This Grand Problem

The politician was asked on National Television if he believed in God and quickly he replied, “No.” However, he was equally quick to use the words, “morally wrong” and “heartless” when accusing his political opponent on asylum seekers and climate change. His opponent said he did believe in God, but failed to take the godless man to task over …

God’s Universal Absolutes

A question thinking people ask at some point in their life: “Why do people hate the Jews?” A disciplined study of both Testaments of the Bible reveals the only meaningful answer. 1) God revealed Himself to the world through the Jews. 2) The Jews are the chosen people of God. 3) God gave us the Scriptures through the Jews. …

Looters in Business Suits

The old man learned that one or two of his farm neighbors had their homes looted during some recent floods. It was sad to see the surprised and bewildered expression on his face as he said to the news reporter, “Oh ya can’t do that. That’s not right.” In his late seventies, he was a man who lives by …

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