The Jesus Who Is

Quote: “There is always a place in the world for the Jesus that people want; there’s just not always a place for the Jesus who is.” – John MacArthur. Both mainstream and online “social” media confirm that statement. The Jesus that people want to fulfill their carnal desires and dreams of financial prosperity etc, there’s …

No Fear of God

Whether they’re Christians or not, ask most mature-minded people to give you reasons for the deteriorating state of human attitudes and behavior in society today and you will be given a variety of them. They’ll be correct too for a large part, but it will be a rare one who tells you it’s because, There is …

Satan’s Man

For some months now during my early morning quiet time with the Lord, two new prayers are being brought before Him. One: that I be filled with the Holy Spirit for the hour of persecution. Two: that I be fully immersed or saturated in the Scriptures. I don’t know how bad things will get for us here …

A Witness so Effective

One of the expressions of Christian-speak disturbing me in this time of increasing evil is: “God loves the sinner, but He hates the sin.” It rolls off the mouth of Christians so easily. When preachers express it they’ll also use the most famous Scripture to back it up: For God so loved the world that He gave His only …

The Devil’s Own

The pastor said, “The devil doesn’t have a word of his own, he has to steal it from God.” Well, it lines up perfectly with what the Bible tells us of him. Not only does he steal God’s word, but he twists it, misquotes it and misuses it in any way he can. That’s what …

The Judgement of God?

During the summer of 2009, a pastor of a Pentecostal fellowship in my city of Melbourne, Australia, came under attack from both the wider church community and the media for saying that the horrendous bush-fires which took place that summer, were as a result of God’s judgement upon the nation and, particularly upon the state of Victoria, which had recently

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