Faulty Concepts of Holiness

Quote: “The purpose of pleasing God, is basic to the purpose of avoiding sin. I say that because some Christians perceive their whole Christian life in terms of avoiding sin. Whereas according to the New Testament avoiding sin is a big thing, even bigger is the practice of rejoicing and hoping and thanking and pleasing …

He Who Cares Nothing for Holiness

“He who cares nothing for holiness knows nothing of the love of Jesus.” – CH Spurgeon. Amen indeed! Take heart Australian Christians who are taking your stand against pending same-sex marriage legislation in this country. You’re on God’s side and He’s on yours. And, as for those Christians who do stand for this “marriage” and accuse …

Smoldering Embers

“I don’t like to preach a lot about sin,” said the pastor. “That’s going to drive them away.” “Our church doesn’t preach doom and gloom,” said the lady. “It preaches good news.” “If you come to our church you’ll be made very welcome,” said another. “Not like some, where all they do is make you feel bad.” “I won’t …

Filled with Jesus

“The reason the world is not seeing Jesus is because people are not filled with Jesus.” – Smith Wigglesworth. Although he made that statement 90 years ago, it is the same reason the world is not seeing Jesus today. He was a man filled with Jesus and his life’s mission was to fill others with Jesus. Before he …

Now That’s Power!

The pastor told a few men in his church that if they wanted the power of God, the quickest way to get it was to undertake a six week fast, which is what he once did. The men were impressed; in his ministry they saw he had the power. As well as being an excellent expository preacher and teacher, he regularly …

Satan’s Useful Idiot

On television recently, a Baptist pastor was asked to share his views on same-sex marriage.  He did so, “on the basis of justice, compassion and equality for all people.”  Then he went on to say, “The case would need to be made that allowing same-sex marriage would actually be detrimental to the community in some way before I would argue that …

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