The Deceiving Religious Spirit

I thank God for His mercy in revealing from Bible Scripture, signs this present age is winding down: wars, rumors of wars, against nations, governments against governments, famines, pestilences and earthquakes. True, they’ve all been around for a very long time, but not on the scale we’re now witnessing them across the globe. One sign …

Sin-hating godly People

Quote: “People love their sin and as their sin is legitimized, as their sin is normalized, as their sin is legalized, they’re going to cherish their sins more openly and more publicly and they’re not going to be interested in the things of Christ and suffering for the cause of Christ.” – John MacArthur. Certainly such …

The Key to Spiritual Vitality

Listening to an Internet audio sermon recently, the pastor told his people that if they thought he was not ordained of God, speaking a message from God, then they should go look for a church where they believed this was happening. He repeated his words finishing with, “then get out now!” I don’t know why he said …

The Reprobate Mind

Bible Christians in the Western world are soon to come under intense persecution for their faith in Jesus Christ. In Europe, Canada and the USA, pastors and chaplains are being persecuted and prosecuted for praying publicly, “in the name of Jesus.” That’s not happening here in Australia yet, but given that this nation is a follower …

God’s Response Was Swift!

Recently I watched some video teachings on Babylonian religious practices.  I found the subject extremely interesting as the lecturer tied in Babylonian temple deities and religious symbols and objects with what we see in Romanism and Islam  … statues and symbols representing all kinds of deities, sun gods, moon gods, goddesses, ritual care and practice and the worship of anything considered sacred. Following …

Twice-A-Year Christians

I was speaking with a couple of people who told me, “we make sure we go to church twice a year … at Christmas time and Easter.”  They had a proud kind of, “waddya-think-of-that?”-type look on their faces, so I responded with, “Big deal.  It sounds to me like you believe you’re doing God a favor.”  Each gave no …

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