Sin-hating godly People

Quote: “People love their sin and as their sin is legitimized, as their sin is normalized, as their sin is legalized, they’re going to cherish their sins more openly and more publicly and they’re not going to be interested in the things of Christ and suffering for the cause of Christ.” – John MacArthur. Certainly such …

Stick To the Plain-sense Meanings of Scripture

Exhorting his people, “not to follow after false forms of Christianity,” the pastor said to them, “There is more false Christianity in the world than true Christianity. There are more false representatives of Christ than true ones. There are more false Christians than true Christians.” The question to ask is, how can we avoid being caught …

That’s Why Jesus Christ Is Savior!

In reference to signs of the end times, the first sign Jesus told His disciples to look for was that of religious deception. Take heed that you be not deceived…….. Luke 21:8. Perhaps for the generations that were not able to hold a Bible in their hands, they can be excused for their ignorance of …

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