56,000,000 People Die Annually; a Minimal Percentage Die in Christ

According to a World Death Clock on the Internet, approximately 56,000,000 people die annually. About 4,679,450 people die monthly, about 153,420 die daily and about 6,390 die hourly. “We’ve all gotta die sometime,” they say. “When your number’s up, that’s it!” True to the first statement, not true to the second one. And as it is …

Do You Possess a “Go from Me” Mentality?

A glorious truth declared from a lady delivered from lesbianism: “God never calls you by your shame, folks. He’s calling you by your name.” If there was ever a word for Christianity to shout from rooftops all across the globe today, it is that one! Definition of shame: ‘humiliation, mortification, chagrin, ignominy, loss of face, shamefacedness, …

That’s Why Jesus Christ Is Savior!

In reference to signs of the end times, the first sign Jesus told His disciples to look for was that of religious deception. Take heed that you be not deceived…….. Luke 21:8. Perhaps for the generations that were not able to hold a Bible in their hands, they can be excused for their ignorance of …

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