56,000,000 People Die Annually; a Minimal Percentage Die in Christ

According to a World Death Clock on the Internet, approximately 56,000,000 people die annually. About 4,679,450 people die monthly, about 153,420 die daily and about 6,390 die hourly. “We’ve all gotta die sometime,” they say. “When your number’s up, that’s it!” True to the first statement, not true to the second one. And as it is …

The Natural is Out the Supernatural is In

Over the years since becoming a Christian, more than once have I heard a fellow believer speak in glowing terms over the personality and talents, gifts or abilities of certain  unbelieving people and then say something like, “It’s such a pity that he (or she) is not in Christ.  He (or she) would make a lovely Christian.”  When asked why, the responses …

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