That’s Why Jesus Christ Is Savior!

In reference to signs of the end times, the first sign Jesus told His disciples to look for was that of religious deception. Take heed that you be not deceived…….. Luke 21:8. Perhaps for the generations that were not able to hold a Bible in their hands, they can be excused for their ignorance of the Romanist popes and their false form of Christianity taking hold. But what about us today? To my mind that is the command most ignored, rejected and disobeyed of all the Lord’s commands by the church. It is a test of how much we honestly value truth with the results seemingly speaking for themselves – not much! If it were otherwise the church would be different.

It doesn’t get any plainer than, Do not go after them … ‘don’t get misled!’ Imagine it, Christians have been reading that Scripture for nearly two thousand years, but what’s been the result? A proliferation of false Christs of some kind and a proliferation of false Christianity of some sort. There are more false representatives of the Lord Jesus standing in pulpits today than true representatives and there are more false Christians sitting in pews today than true Christians and both are escalating at a rate of knots headed straight for that seven-year hell-hole called the great tribulation. See my post: Five Reasons Why People Will Go Through The Great Tribulation.

Morality is what the church once stood for, but since so many Christians are now eating and drinking the poison of political correctness, they appear to have had their senses dulled to its correct meaning! So to remind us … morality means: ‘conformity to the rules of right conduct’ – ‘moral quality or character’. Moral means: ‘to be concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct’ – ‘the distinction between right and wrong’ – ‘capable of conforming to the rules of right conduct’. If ever there was to be confusion over the meanings of those words, the church ought to be the one place above all where someone could go to have their confusion undone!

Confusion leads to immorality. That too is the church’s job – to define its meaning and to speak out against it wherever it has the opportunity to do so. But no, false Christs and false prophets Matthew 24:24 and false Christians have so infiltrated the church today with their mantra, “We must not be judgmental,” that the godly among them have bought into that miserable lie and are now afraid to speak up. Immoral means: ‘violating moral principles’ – ‘not conforming to the patterns of right’ – ‘licentious’ or ‘lascivious’. Immorality means: ‘immoral quality, character, or conduct’ – ‘wickedness’ – ‘evilness’. How sad too, that some of the most immoral people in the world happen to be priests, pastors and elders – especially sexual immorality.

Down through the years I’ve heard it said by Christians, “The pendulum always swings back. One day people will turn back to God.” Will they? If they haven’t done so following all the great disasters and tragedies the world has experienced since 9/11 they are not likely to – not this side of the great tribulation at least. There’s never been a time in history where belligerence and arrogance have been so widely expressed as this time. And, it’s coming from people who once knew better. Their parents, grandparents or guardians lived according to the moral code even if they were not Christians. Based on the 10 Commandments they knew right from wrong and passed that knowledge on.

That’s why so many of our “baby boomer” leaders in politics, business and education are such fraudulent and phony people. To hear them on the news justifying themselves according to Collectivist/Marxist doctrines … what fools they are when they well know those voices of old are still alive and loudly ringing in their ears telling them what’s right and what’s not! This is the crowd leading the way with amorality. Amoral means: ‘not involving questions of right or wrong’ – ‘without moral quality’ – ‘neither moral nor immoral’ – ‘having no moral standards, restraints, or principles’ – ‘unaware of or indifferent to questions of right or wrong’. In my opinion, amorality, is the greatest problem facing a person under forty-five years of age today.

Essentially, amorality is the greatest problem the church faces too. When the church listens to spiritual cowards in the pulpits and pews telling them that the ordination of homosexual and lesbian ministers and same sex marriage is in the will of God, they’re listening to amoral people more so than immoral. When you are told that these things are “normal” and that we are not to make judgments on what’s right and wrong, that’s the spirit of amorality speaking.  When evil is called good and dark is called light and bitter is called sweet … take heed, Isaiah 5:20, God is exposing the hearts of such people and He’s going to curse them! And if you stay in that church you’ll be cursed with them.

I heard a minister on You Tube tell his people, “The reason we see these things (murders etc) happening in the world is because there is no word (of God being systematically preached) anymore, there is a spiritual famine.” I used to think the spiritual famine would come when demonic powers in Governments remove all Bibles, as Hitler did it in the 1930’s. There’s no need to wait for a Hitler, the demonic powers in the church have already done it! They’ve already taken the Bible away. There are supposedly over two hundred books in English called “Bible” in the world today. The only problem though, they say different things! Is there a better way to nullify the truth of, Every word of God is pure (flawless, true)…… Proverbs 30:5?

If all two hundred “Bibles” contain, pure words, like silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times…. Psalm 12:6, where is the evidence of such in Christendom today throughout the world? The evidence is there in those who have submitted to a traditional version of the word of God, but there’s less evidence in those who have submitted to the word of man – which is what the bulk of those books are! For the most part, they are the “translations” of religious men and women who, it would seem, omitted to submit themselves to the righteousness of God Romans 10:3. One example only: When Christians endorse the use of ‘green-friendly’ and ‘gay-friendly’ “Bibles” one knows that’s a sign of a spiritual famine in the land. Take heed…….  

To me, that’s a clear sign that Jesus Christ is not Lord of those people. Where is the evidence  f a laid-down life and the taking up of one’s cross and following Him? There can be no such evidence when the creation is worshiped more so than the Creator Romans 1:25. It is also a sign that people are not going to church to worship the true God in spirit and in truth John 4:24. They’re there to worship a god of their creation/imagination. What better way is there to satisfy the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life 1 John 2:16 than to do so wrapped in “cloaks” of religion? No wonder so many people have destined themselves into the great tribulation. Will they be among those cursing God instead of repenting?

Apostasy means: ‘falling away from truth’. Where there is such there will be confusion because the author of confusion, Satan, will make sure of it. He knows he can’t destroy the Bible any more than he can destroy Jesus, but he knows he can tamper with it so as to confuse the hearts and minds of people – and that’s been his strategy, always. Rather than add to the Bible, he subtracts from it. It would be easy for mature Christians to spot any additions but not so with subtractions or deletions, of which there are many thousands. What he doesn’t subtract or delete, he changes. It has been said, “The greatest method of deception is to counterfeit. And the master of counterfeit and deception is Satan.”

What fruit are most of these two hundred plus “Bible” translations producing in the church? One man who was involved in a translation and later publically repented of such, said they, ’cause widespread confusion’ – ‘they discourage memorization’ – ‘they obviate the use of a concordance’ – ‘they provide opportunity for perverting truth’ – ‘they make teaching of the Bible difficult’ – ‘they elicit profitless argumentation’. That is the exact opposite of what the apostle Paul told us the word of God is designed to produce. He said, All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works 2 Timothy 3:16.

The world is increasingly sick because the church is spiritually sick … the world is increasingly immoral and amoral because the church is the same. It’s time for those in the pulpits to repent of their spiritual cowardice, get delivered of their silly carnal spirits, stand up for nothing but holiness and righteousness and preach it with a traditional version of the Bible in hand. It’s ok too to have a modern translation on hand, but only to bring clarification, not to water down the word of God or change the word or subtract from it. Plenty of God’s people are hungering and thirsting for righteousness and this is how Jesus fills them. Those not hungering and thirsting will go running off somewhere else.

Too, we must stop the hordes of Satan from having us focusing on gay/lesbian/same sex marriage only. There are seven things that are an abomination unto Him … a proud look, liars, murderers, plotters of wickedness, feet that are swift in running to do evil, false witnesses who pour out lies and sowers of discord among the brethren. Proverbs 6:16-19. Those seven things cover everything abominable to God and they cover the whole spectrum of our human nature. That’s why we need a Savior; that’s why God sent a Savior. Jesus Christ took those things upon Himself and died on the cross so we don’t have to stand before God with them. That’s why Jesus Christ is Savior!

The apostle Paul made it clear that the only kind of preaching that would have any effect was the preaching of the cross of Christ. Cleverness, eloquence and human qualifications wouldn’t cut it so he dumped all that to know nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified 1 Corinthians 2:2. The man in the pulpit who believes otherwise is not only a false representative of the Lord Jesus, but take heed….. don’t go after him, he is also deceived and a deceiver! He is the one Jesus is talking about every bit as much as the ones who stand before us declaring, “I am Christ” – or similar! “Cursed is he who does the work of the LORD deceitfully” Jeremiah 48:10. “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine” 2 Timothy 4:2.  

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then 38 years ago he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel for 30 years. Streaming on the Internet Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM Australia EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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  1. We need Christians leaders who can say like the Apostle Paul, “The things you learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things and the God of peace will be with you.” (Philippians 4:9)

    Great message. Thanks.

  2. When Dietrich Bonhoeffer (already a PhD) visited the USA for the first time in 1930 he enrolled in Union Seminary in NYC for further study. This is how he described it,

    “There is no theology here.” He went on to write that the pursuit of truth and righteousness had been completely replaced with the pursuit of fellowship and progressive theory.

    The path over the past 80 years has been all downhill. Could God reverse course? Certainly. But will God reverse course? Not if this is truly the End Time, and it is.

    1. Thank you for sharing this, Lynn … you’ve given me a clearer picture not only as to why greater emphasis is placed on fellowshipping etc, rather than on truth and righteousness, but also why so many think that because they are fellowshipping, that they’re also walking in truth and righteousness. Hope than makes sense! Bless you and thank you.


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