Stick To the Plain-sense Meanings of Scripture

Exhorting his people, “not to follow after false forms of Christianity,” the pastor said to them, “There is more false Christianity in the world than true Christianity. There are more false representatives of Christ than true ones. There are more false Christians than true Christians.” The question to ask is, how can we avoid being caught …

Partial Quoting and Misquoting of Scripture

I’m noticing more of late, partial quoting and misquoting of Scripture by people, who use it to support same-sex practice. “As many as accept Him, God gives them the power to become His sons,” says one. “God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son,” says another. That’s just a couple of examples, but …

It’s Your Badge of Honor

“You’re too black and white; you leave no room for grey areas.” How many Christians have had an accusation similar to that thrown at them for their uncompromising stand for the Scriptures of the Bible?! All praise to God if you have. It’s your badge of honor; wear it proudly! As it is presently, you are one …

Satan’s Insiders – No Match for Jesus’ Insiders

The preacher told his church that he no longer believed in the biblical account of Noah and the Flood. What’s the big deal? one might ask, given that multitudes of preachers have been saying the same thing since the 1700’s or earlier. The big deal for me was his statement: “It seems even Jesus believed it.” The church is …

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