Stick To the Plain-sense Meanings of Scripture

Exhorting his people, “not to follow after false forms of Christianity,” the pastor said to them, “There is more false Christianity in the world than true Christianity. There are more false representatives of Christ than true ones. There are more false Christians than true Christians.” The question to ask is, how can we avoid being caught …

Siding with Immorality

Quote: “The meaning of the Scripture is the Scripture and if you don’t get the meaning right you don’t have the revelation.” – John MacArthur. If every Christian approached the Scriptures of the Bible with the truth of that statement in mind there would be far less confusion for all both in the church and …

This War is Spiritual in Nature

In relation to the slaughter in Paris, France, Friday November 13, 2015 – “This time it’s war,” so say that nation’s media people. “This does look like a war,” so say the politicians of other nations. “It’s always been a war,” so say Muslims and so say Holy Spirit-led Christians. The one grand difference between us though is …

Enemies of the Cross of Christ

In a private conversation, the pastor said he would be willing to preach on any subject except holiness. That was the beginning of his downfall. The Reverend and his deacons rejected the prophecy given the church for future directions. That was the beginning of their downfall. The elder gave the church a false report regarding the outcome of …

That’s God’s language!

Pastor-teacher, John MacArthur says, “Speak the truth about the sin in order to speak the truth about the Savior who forgives.” Praise God that he does! I wonder how different things would be if every pastor-teacher would take a leaf from his book and do the same. In his new book, a Senator in the …

Will You Let Truth Bless You or Bite You?

Just a few days before he killed himself, mad Adolf Hitler said to some of his generals, “Everyone has lied to me, everyone has deceived me, no one has told me the truth.” Hitler loved lies; some twenty-five years earlier he made the decision to base his entire life and mission on them. Karl Marx did the …

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