Satan’s Lying Media

Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know Jeremiah 33:3. In other words, “Come before Me in humility, brokenness and faithfulness, Jeremiah, and tenaciously seek My will, wait patiently for Me to answer and when it unfolds before your eyes it’s going to blow your mind!” …

She always felt she was to blame

The old lady told me her name was Mrs Ashby.  She stood in her doorway one mid-morning wearing a dirty old nightgown, looking as though she was carrying all the troubles of the world upon her shoulders.  I asked her what the matter was and she said it had to do with lumps in her breast which …

I’ve got a lot of guilt you know

He introduced himself as Jack Brown when he answered my knock at his door.  He was a tall old gentleman with bright eyes and a sharp mind and quick to tell me he was in his 80’s.  After introducing myself and explaining that I represented one of the local churches he seemed pleased that someone would stop by for a …

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