Satan’s Lying Media

Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know Jeremiah 33:3. In other words, “Come before Me in humility, brokenness and faithfulness, Jeremiah, and tenaciously seek My will, wait patiently for Me to answer and when it unfolds before your eyes it’s going to blow your mind!” I’m not sure if God spoke that to praying Christians in the USA or elsewhere with regards the election of Donald Trump as the next US President, but what dramatically took place two weeks ago has most certainly blown the minds of most people. God rules! 

Knowing there had been much prayer and fasting going on over a long period, and provided one ignored the deceived, lying, lazy, lemmings-like Leftist mainstream media, and their self-righteous, “morally superior” pontifications and who instead turned their attention to alternative media, one could be reasonably confident Trump would win. What blew our minds though was the size of his win – gigantic! Only God could do that. The signs that God’s hand was upon this man and his campaign were reasonably evident from the beginning too. Otherwise it would have not been possible for him, an outsider to take on sixteen other Presidential candidates, the elites, the Establishment, the kind of media described plus the bad publicity, yet still win through.

So, is this post yet another one from a starry-eyed member of the Donald Trump Admiration Club? Not at all; it’s another post from a one-eyed member of the Lord Jesus Christ Admiration Club; a one-eyed member who absolutely believes, It is better to put your trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in princes Psalm 118:8-9. To place one’s trust in the LORD is to rest in the reality that there is never a time when He is not in control, whether the event be a US Presidential election or a sparrow falling to the ground. Had the election gone the other way as Satan’s lying media told us it would, God would have been no less in control.

We must hold on to this truth because Satan’s lying media intends holding on to its lies. There’s a few people saying mainstream media reporting will change now with a greater commitment to accuracy and truthfulness. No it won’t; in fact, it will step up its commitment to inaccuracy and untruthfulness. The spirit controlling this crowd truly is that of Satan and as Jesus has told us, there is no truth in him John 8:44. To guard our hearts and minds is the call from God to every one of us, regardless of whether we watch, read or listen to the “news” or not. Lies rule the earth, they rule the atmosphere, they rule the hearts and minds of those not committed to Bible Scripture and Jesus Christ. When we speak with them we must discern truth from lies.

The average person you and I speak to is not interested in the truth of what’s going on in the world. Try it sometime. Tell him or her something that’s been accurately reported from a reputable Internet source and the first thing they’ll tell you is, “Ah you can’t believe everything you read and see on the Internet!” But when you ask them where they get their reliable source of information from, it shows up pretty quickly that accuracy and truthfulness is what they say it is, not what it really is! Looking at some history books on a person’s bookshelf one time, I asked him if he believed all that was written in the books. Yes, of course he did! Perhaps the bibliography gave him the confidence to believe, but it’s no different doing disciplined Internet research.

Quote: “If people in the media cannot decide whether they are in the business of reporting news or manufacturing propaganda, it is all the more important that the public understand the difference and choose news sources accordingly. – Thomas Sowell. They’ve decided alright. No change! Truth doesn’t sell! Good news doesn’t sell! One only has to look at the gospel of Jesus Christ to come to terms with that reality. So when we listen to seasoned politicians for example, saying something like, “We’re going to get to the bottom of this,” we know they’ll “get to the bottom” of nothing. And there’s always going to be media people willing to take a bribe to stay away from “the bottom of this” as well. Yes, they’ll scratch the surface, but they won’t dig.   

One important reason for us Bible Christians to research for truth in worldly events is for the help of generations who’ve been brainwashed by Satan’s lying media and their equally brainwashed Leftist/Marxist/Communist politicians and College/University teachers. No tears flowed from 18 to 48 year-old people here in Australia as a result of the US elections, as they did there, but exactly the same infantile mentality exists here. Shocked beyond belief were some of them, letting their undisciplined infantile emotions run riot to screaming-point. Talk about having one’s cage rattled! It’s a good job Jesus taught us to know what was in man John 2:24-25, for if we didn’t know, we would write them off as psychiatric cases.

As others are saying, these people have been told all their lives that they are on the side of right, everyone else is on the side of wrong. Since kindergarten they’ve grown up believing they’re the clever ones, the perfect ones and everyone else disagreeing with that is uneducated and stupid. Young or old, such people are in desperate need of our help. Only Jesus can set them free from this and it’s my belief that this is one grand reason why God has dealt a blow to the Leftist/Marxist/Communist influence that has for too long held the USA and the rest of the world at ransom. Yes, I believe it’s an act of God’s common grace that’s come upon that nation in general, but also, God brought this about so people are availed the opportunity to experience His salvation grace.

Having said this, it is going to take the wisdom and power of God for it to come about, just as it did for the election of USA’s next president. That means there will be no quick fixes; mouthing off Scripture will not work, man-centered evangelistic techniques will not work; only that which is under the anointing of God will work and to receive that, humility, brokenness and faithfulness to God and Scripture will be required. But on this one will I look: On him who is poor and of a contrite spirit, and who trembles at My word Isaiah 66:2. And all praise to God for raising up that type of Christian, for these are the only kind He can use to bring about change in people’s lives. May He continue to keep them in that state – the only one that ensures spiritual power and authority.

God has another on-going task for humble, broken, faithful Christians – prayer intercession for the safety of the new President, his family and Administration. If he could, Satan and his bullies would kill him and them in a split second. Satan’s lying media laughs at that and calls it “conspiracy theory.” Let them call it whatever they like, but the one who rules them is deadly serious. Jesus said of him, He was a murderer from the beginning John 8:44. So, in the name of the Lord Jesus such Christians must collectively take authority over that spirit of murder, asking the Lord to paralyze it. Example: “Lord, in Your name, I take authority over the spirit of murder, I loose upon it a spirit of paralysis.” Not biblical perhaps?

For anyone believing it’s not biblical to ask for an intended assassin to be paralyzed on the spot, that’s okay; pray for something that is. Because our warfare is spiritual in nature rather than physical, physical harm is not our goal Ephesians 6:10-20. But it might be Jesus’ goal. He knows who He’s run out of patience and mercy with. We see that clearly in both Testaments of the Bible. In any case, if we honor our part the Lord will honor His. And if not, we’ll still know we did what was required and we’ll still know God’s in control. Of course, it’s not only intended assassins we should engage in warfare over, but also lazy, lemmings-like Leftist people employed by Satan’s lying media. Maybe through that kind of prayer someone will see the light and get out from it.

Another important reason for humble, broken, faithful Christians to be in prayer on   behalf of the new President and his people: He is not his nation’s Savior but he is the Savior’s servant. That was the greatest sin foisted upon the present President of the USA. Particularly at the beginning some called him the Messiah, others looked upon him as savior, even if only in the material sense. I don’t think he believed this but lots of people did and God can never bless that, it’s blasphemy. Presidents, like people, are flawed; they’ll always need prayer. Satan’s lying media laughs at that too. No matter, Jesus Christ will have the last laugh! Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts….. Psalm 51:6. All liars shall have their part in the lake of fire and brimstone, which is the second death Revelation 21:8.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then 38 years ago he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel for 30 years. Streaming on the Internet Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM Australia EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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