They Tossed Away the Foundation

Here in Melbourne, Australia, home invasions, car hijackings, armed robberies plus riots at public events are almost daily occurrences it seems. They are certainly every-weekend occurrences and the powers that be are powerless to stop them. And although the politically correct among the powers seem super reluctant to identify the nationalities of the culprits, very rare but courageous members of …

Satan’s Lying Media

Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know Jeremiah 33:3. In other words, “Come before Me in humility, brokenness and faithfulness, Jeremiah, and tenaciously seek My will, wait patiently for Me to answer and when it unfolds before your eyes it’s going to blow your mind!” …

Each Flipped and Flopped Frequently

A few days ago the Australian people voted their national government out of office. Elected in 2008, it has been considered by many on both sides of the political spectrum to be the worst government the nation has ever had. ‘Inept’ ‘bungling’ ‘wasteful’ ‘careless’ ‘irresponsible’ ‘selfish’ ‘foolish’ ‘incompetent’ ‘useless’ – these are just some of the …

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