This School Program is Satan-designed and Satan-energized!

Who would have thought the day would arrive here in Australia when parents of school children would be forced to call on the Federal and State Governments and Education Departments demanding them to defund and ban a program that exposes their children to sexually explicit adult content and concepts? Under the guise of “Anti-bullying” the program promotes pre-adulthood sexual …

Dump All From the Religious Spirit

In reference to her current job, a lady told me the other day that she had regretted not seeking fuller clarification during the interview, as to the meaning of certain words and phrases communicated to her by the job interviewer, regarding her job function. It brought to mind a favorite expression used by the communication gurus, “Say what …

These Marxist-Leninist Puppets of Hatred & Persecution

It was around the time of the first Gulf War when I asked the young man in his early twenties if I could talk to him about his salvation and he matter-of-factly said, “I don’t have any belief in your God or your gospel and I hate everything they stand for!” He told me he was a University …

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