Insults and Put-downs

Definition of fact: ‘a thing that is known or proved to be true – reality, actuality, certainty, truth.’ Definition of opinion: ‘a belief based on grounds short of proof’ – or – ‘a belief or judgment resting on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.’ Fact, and not an opinion: the moment you testify that you …

These Marxist-Leninist Puppets of Hatred & Persecution

It was around the time of the first Gulf War when I asked the young man in his early twenties if I could talk to him about his salvation and he matter-of-factly said, “I don’t have any belief in your God or your gospel and I hate everything they stand for!” He told me he was a University …

The Spirit of Intimidation

The other day on the Internet I came across an article on how to speak confidently and intimidate people. The article suggested that sometimes people will need to speak more confidently, whether for the purpose of intimidating others or to keep them from intimidating you. More – “speaking confidently to intimidate people involves having more confidence, authority …

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