My God is Your God. My Bible is Your Bible.

When proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to people, there has always been the odd one or two to firmly let me know they are not interested in knowing about, “your God” or “your Bible.” Amazingly, such has even been expressed by church affiliated people! Who, “their god ” might be, they are not able …

Don’t Die a Lawless Rebel!

“Roger, not everyone believes in your god. Why do others have to live by what you believe?” I was asked this on “social” media two weeks ago in reference to my standing against same-sex marriage, which the nation is soon to vote on through a postal plebiscite. Not all who questioned or commented were as polite, …

So Which Judgment for You?

The religious lady spoke of her fear of having to face God, “On Judgment day.” It was one of the reasons she got out of bed early nearly every week morning to attend Mass, believing if she was faithful in that practice, God would look upon her with mercy on that day. She’s not the only one to hold …

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