If you’re in Christ you’re an Overcomer

As the beheadings, bombings, shootings and slaughters of all kinds continue upon our brothers and sisters in Christ in the Middle East and elsewhere, many Christians in the West see these things headed our way so they’re now wondering if we’ve entered the period known in the Book of Revelation as the Great Tribulation. Others say we have entered it, …

Satan Goes to Church

And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake…… Matthew 10:22. In my 30-plus years as a Christian, that Scripture has not been among the favorites of preachers, teachers or evangelists I’ve sat under, unless they relegated it back to the apostles of Christ’s day, the martyrs of Foxe’s book or other persecuted Christians of yesteryear in …

We moved to where God was not

A few weeks after having left what had been our church home for five years, my wife and myself and two other non-compromising-Bible couples from the same church were asked by a minister from another denomination to join him in starting a church in our community.  This man was known to us all, as he and some …

The pathway

When I first became a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, after experiencing His physical healing powers, it was nearly two years before I set foot inside a church.  But from the moment I did so, I made up my mind I was going sit under the preaching and teaching of God’s word and apply it to …

There’s something shallow about them

Eighteen year-old Year Twelve student Charlie was very curious to know what it was that I believed as a Christian.  He told me he had lots of mates around his own age who were born again Christians and they regularly took him to a large church that held charismatic meetings.  He said he saw something in them that suggested Christ was …

Can you come next week?

I met Mrs Stone at the local shopping center street festival.  It was during a time of economic downturn – unemployment was high, school leavers couldn’t find jobs, businesses in the street and elsewhere were closing down and in general there was an air of hopelessness across the community.

I’ve got lots of bitterness and unforgiveness

The day I called at Mrs Bell’s house and gave her the reason for my visit, tears came into her eyes and she said, “It was two years ago today since my husband died and I know God has sent you, I’ve been feeling down all day.”  She told me she and her daughter were both baptized but she …

Who do you say I am?

During His ministry on earth, Jesus Christ asked His disciples as to who the people thought He was.  Now, it wasn’t that He didn’t know what the people were thinking or saying about Him, but He used this to challenge the disciples with His next question, “Who do you say I am?”  To all who have heard …

In his experience it was too political

He introduced himself as Jim when he answered my ring on his doorbell.  I explained that I was in his street today representing my local church, offering prayer for any personal or family needs.  Jim, perhaps in his mid-fifties, was surprised, telling me his local church didn’t do this and wondered why mine did.  I explained that we believed it was …

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