Grand Differences between Spiritually Born-again Christians and Everybody Else

What are some grand differences between spiritually born-again Christians and everybody else? We can only touch the surface on this subject, but let’s have a look. Grand difference number 1: We have  different spiritual F/fathers. Our Father is God, the Father of Truth. Everybody else’s father is Satan, the father of lies John 8:44. Their …

Illegitimate Guilt

I asked the Jehovah’s Witness man at my door, “How do you handle guilt?” Clearly taken aback with the question, he replied, “I don’t have any guilt?” I said, “Yes you do. Everyone has guilt; you’re no exception. What do you do with your guilt?” Religious or not, I like to ask people that question; …

If you’re in Christ you’re an Overcomer

As the beheadings, bombings, shootings and slaughters of all kinds continue upon our brothers and sisters in Christ in the Middle East and elsewhere, many Christians in the West see these things headed our way so they’re now wondering if we’ve entered the period known in the Book of Revelation as the Great Tribulation. Others say we have entered it, …

False Concepts of God

Praise God for the Old Testament Prophets, John the Baptist, the Lord Jesus Christ and the apostles. In spite of how each may have felt, they didn’t hesitate to tell it how it is! Nowhere in Scripture do we see them playing games with words; no watering down, no softly, softly approach, no attempts to appease, no apologies …

The Beginning Has Begun!

A young lady was brutally raped and murdered in our town recently, sending shock-waves throughout the entire nation. A week later over twenty thousand people gathered for a peace march in her memory in the street where she went missing. As a proclaimer of the gospel of Jesus Christ, I couldn’t help but note how biblical the …

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