The Spirit of Might not Mice

The old pastor told a business leader that he would like to meet with him and four or five of his colleagues. The business leader said he would like to do the same, but his colleagues were reluctant to do so, “they’re scared of you, they don’t want to sit in the same room with you.” The old pastor asked what in the world was it that made them scared of him. The businessman replied, “Well, it’s your eyes. They’re so piercing they’re afraid you’ve been reading what they’ve been doing.” The old pastor had not been “reading” them, but it was indeed an undeniable witness to the reality, power and authority of the living God!

This was not the first time the old pastor had demonstrated such an undeniable witness. A bank president and half a dozen lawyers had tried to unlawfully take land from him and his associate pastor, so the two of them set up a meeting with these people. At the meeting the old pastor told the president and lawyers they need not open their papers, “I’m going to tell you what you’re going to do!” Firstly, “You don’t get my property, it’s already paid for.” Secondly, “You’re fighting God and God is unmerciful to men like you; you’re worthless!” Thirdly, “You and your lawyers go in that room, sign these papers and come back.” Fifteen minutes later they came trotting back, and the papers were signed!

Most Christians would say, ‘that’s not possible’ ‘that’s not Christian’ ‘that’s not loving’ ‘that’s a bad witness’. They would be wrong of course, but because that sort of language gets thrown about so readily these days, and because most Christians don’t know they have that kind of authority in God, everybody else thinks they’re right. That’s why corrupt bank presidents, lawyers, politicians and other so-called movers and shakers in this sliding-into-hell world believe they can walk all over us. The church has lost its authority. Worse. It doesn’t even know it has such authority to lose! Bible committed Christians must come into the experiential knowledge that we have the Spirit of might upon us Isaiah 11:2; that’s what those men were afraid of.

Years later the old pastor bought more property to build another church. Seventy-odd residents close by objected and petitioned against it. At a hearing they told him they wanted to preserve the animals and trees, they wanted no noise and no cars -they gave all kinds of reasons and excuses. He told the man in charge to take him to his office. There he prophesied of the residents, “They will die soon, they will lose their jobs and I will buy their houses.” He then told the man that both he and the church would expose his corruptions to the community, “Sign those papers right now.” The man said, “Yes sir.” He signed them and the old pastor walked out of his office with them.

Not every Christian is asked by God to do and say those things … but there is the Spirit of might upon us for the work of God’s kingdom extension; we have divine authority. What we have to make sure of is that we don’t use this authority for personal, self-gain. We must always use God’s power for God’s work, not our own work. That’s where much of the church gets it wrong today; a lot of the work is our own, we tack God on the end of it then ask Him to bless it. Then we wonder why we don’t see the power of God. God won’t bless what we misuse or abuse. That’s why the unbelieving world fails to witness the power of God in its midst. The old pastor said, “But God doesn’t expect us to be run over by people who don’t know Him.”

I love that statement! Having the Spirit of might dwell within guarantees victory when we face any issue for God. Lots of Christians pray for the power, not believing or understanding that they already have it; others like to “wait on God” to make a move. God says, “I already have moved. My Spirit is upon you, now you move and I’ll back you.” Truth is, the church has allowed too many who don’t know God to run over it, with the result that it’s only a caricature of what it ought to be in Christ. Go into most churches today and you’ll find it’s the people who don’t know God that are having most of the say. They might know the Hebrew and Greek language, they might know church history, they might know lots … but they don’t know God.

Ask the average Christian why Jesus came into the world and his answer is more likely to be, “to save us from hell,” or “to show us God’s love,” or “to makes us better people,”  than, “………that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You sent” John 17:3. If the church knew God, communities would be turned upside down just as they were at the beginning. If the church knew God it would throw out the wolves, the perverts, the charlatans and the money fleecers. If the church knew God it would get delivered from the two-dollar mentality that infests most of them. If the church knew God it would shed its greedy, “bless me and my” mentality, that also infests most of them.

If the church knew God, it would not have to work up spiritual sweat with the belief that this is the only way the Spirit will move in the meeting. If the church knew God, it would stop seeking miracles, signs and wonders, it would seek to lay down its carnality and seek holiness and righteousness first … then the Holy Spirit would move with the other stuff. If the church knew God, the spirit of feminism would be cast out! If the church knew God, false doctrines and doctrines of devils would be tossed out, right along with the false and the devilish that came in introducing them. If the church knew God, the religious would be out and the real would be in! If the church knew God, it would know Jesus and hunger to live for the purity of His word.

That kind of church would be no pushover for the evil and the corrupt who have infested our halls of Government, Justice, Corporate Business and Banking etc. If one old pastor could command those tools of Satan to jump during his day, what could God do with a few hundred people like him in every nation in our day? It’s the same Holy Spirit; it’s the same Spirit of might, dealing with the same devil. No change there. So who’s changed? The Seminary and Bible School Professors and Scholars have changed; and they’ve changed the pastors and the reverends sitting under them. The result being now, that the Bible is not taken literally and God is not taken seriously! That’s it in a nutshell.

Instead of having God-pleasers in the church, it’s now infested with men-pleasers and women-pleasers. The women have caved in to insecure, manipulative and domineering men and the men have caved in to insecure, manipulative and domineering women. Is it any wonder they’re caving in to insecure, manipulative and domineering men and women in society?! Is it any wonder the powerless and the non-influential in society look at us and sneer?! This foolishness offends Almighty God. How sad for Christians standing at the judgment seat of Christ 2 Corinthians 5:10 listening to Him say to them, “I gave you the Spirit of might, not mice.”

God’s people must never bow to men and women who are on their way to hell. Our problem is we want to be nice to everybody, believing that’s the only way to win them to Jesus. Not so. That is not the example we see set by Jesus and the apostles Paul and Peter. Those men spoke what the Holy Spirit gave them to speak and they did not hold back. They didn’t fall for the lie that, “You’re too harsh, you’re too unloving, you’re too judgmental.” If anyone came on to them using that kind of language they would have dealt with them in the same manner as the old pastor did. And those standing by would have witnessed the same results too. The Holy Spirit knows who He’s speaking to and He knows exactly how, when and what to say to them.

Our job is to discern the demonic spirits in these people, take authority over them in the name of the Lord, then speak what the Spirit gives us to speak, leaning not on your own understanding Proverbs 3:5. Remember too, the Christian who is fully surrendered to Jesus, he or she not only has the Spirit of might, but also the Spirit of wisdom, understanding, counsel, knowledge and fear (reverence for God), so they’re not going to say anything foolish. The Holy Spirit will make sure of it. You honor Him, He’ll honor you – guaranteed! Nowhere in the Bible do we see it to be otherwise. Those people didn’t jump at the command of the old pastor; they jumped at the command of the Holy Spirit within and upon him.

All across the world today God is preparing a remnant of people to be empowered by the Spirit of might just like the old pastor. Not all will be old and not all will be pastors, but men and women of God they will be and they will not bow to any men and women in high places or low places who are on their way to hell. There has never been a time in history when the entire peoples of all nations have come under the sway of Satanic and demonic evil such as we see it at this time and it’s going to get much worse before the Lord returns for the church. Every one of them outside of Jesus Christ is on their way to hell, but not all will get there, thanks to the astounding divine mercy, compassion and love of God Almighty and this remnant.

The people of the remnant are called ‘men and women of God’ because they know God. They know God because they know the word of God which is the mind of God. The accusation is, “They’re out of their mind.” Thank God they are! It’s the only way to receive the mind of Christ – the grand difference between the religious and the real. The remnant knows the expression of the natural mind causes Christians, “to be run over by people who don’t know Him.” It also knows the expression of the Supernatural Mind and the Spirit of might runs over the devil and his demons … and plucks a few souls off the way to hell at the same time! “Finally my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil” Ephesians 6:10-11.

Published by Roger Williams

Himself, music and alcohol were his gods for the first part of his existence. Then 38 years ago he had a dramatic encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ. That experience changed his life and led him into Community ministry for 3½ years. He's been a radio broadcasting presenter of the Gospel for 30 years. Streaming on the Internet Roger can be heard every Sunday morning at 8:00 AM Australia EST. Simply click on 'Links' at the bottom of page: 'World Clock -Time Zone Converter' and 'Radio Revelations - Good News on the Radio.'

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