Divine Accomplishment and Human Achievement

Quote: “There are only two religions in the world: Divine accomplishment and human achievement. Divine accomplishment is true biblical Christianity; every other religion is some form of human achievement.” John MacArthur. Biblical definition of atonement: ‘reconciliation of the guilty by divine sacrifice.’ Biblical Christianity teaches that atonement for sins is made possible only through trusting …

You Have a Wrong Spirit

A little over a couple of years ago a minister of a church accused me of having, “a wrong spirit.”  He made the statement after reading a testimony of my experiences within his church.  Added to this, he said of the testimony, “It is rubbish.”  An elder of a church that I was a member of (at the time), told me …

So did their actions

A constant, but remarkable observation for me always, was the apathy and indifference demonstrated by the middle-class in the community, towards the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Here I was, a messenger, equipped with the greatest news possible for each and every one of them, operating under the authority and empowerment of the greatest News Director in all the …

No rules attached

Ben invited me in for a chat when I introduced myself to him at his door.  He said he was in his late seventies, an ex-digger who fought in New Guinea during the Second World War, but now he was, “sick, divorced twice and happy with my lot.”  He was a lovely old bloke but I …

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