God’s Universal Absolutes

A question thinking people ask at some point in their life: “Why do people hate the Jews?” A disciplined study of both Testaments of the Bible reveals the only meaningful answer. 1) God revealed Himself to the world through the Jews. 2) The Jews are the chosen people of God. 3) God gave us the Scriptures through the Jews. …

Political Correctness is the Bastard Child of isms

“Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never harm me.” True with the first part, false with the second part! “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me.” Same again – true and false! These old adages may have been effective restraints upon people when written back in the 1860’s, when society’s values …

All Servants of Satan Are Liars

In response to the question of whether or not Christianity’s Jesus Christ presented a truer picture of God than that of Islam’s Mohammed, the newly-elected archbishop of the Church of Sweden has been quoted as saying, “One cannot reduce the whole of religious theology, that is to say the question of how different religions relate to …

It Was not God who Looked Silly

The leader of our nation (until last Saturday) who says he is a Christian, told his audience on national television earlier in the week that the fundamental principle of the New Testament is, “one of universal love – loving your fellow man.” He said this in response to a pastor’s question on why He had “chopped …

Uncountable Tyrants Rule the Day

A young man once told me he believed the gospel of Jesus Christ to be true. When asking if he wanted to take advantage of it by surrendering his life to the Lord he declined saying, “It would mean I have to change my life.” After listening to responses containing all sorts of objections, justifications and excuses, his response was, in …

God’s Last Resort Language

Over the past twenty-five years a mother has suffered the loss of three sons. Now ninety-three years of age, she wants to know what she did wrong. When family members tell her it’s not her fault she cannot accept it. Another mother suffered the loss of three sons within ten years. In her eighties when I meet her, …

Will You Let Truth Bless You or Bite You?

Just a few days before he killed himself, mad Adolf Hitler said to some of his generals, “Everyone has lied to me, everyone has deceived me, no one has told me the truth.” Hitler loved lies; some twenty-five years earlier he made the decision to base his entire life and mission on them. Karl Marx did the …

This Make You Mad?

Reading some quotes of English writer Aldous Huxley on the Internet recently, this one grabbed my attention, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad.” Amen! Since becoming a Christian in 1985, multitudes of times I have found Mr Huxley’s statement to be every bit as true as Jesus’ statement, You shall know the truth …

The Existence of Evil and the Reality of Satan

In discussing the existence of evil and the reality of Satan the devil, an associate professor of a New Testament School of Theology is quoted as saying, “For the most part, you don’t hear mainline Protestants talking about Satan, the devil or the demonic; I think we’ve handed that kind of language over to the fundamentalists.” There’s no …

So, What Price Freedom of Speech?

In reference to Hurricane Sandy and the devastation it did to the Northeastern region of the USA, I noted the comments of Christian writer and TV presenter, Hal Lindsey, “Perhaps the most critical and immediate effect of the storm is the loss of electrical power,” and it, “serves as a warning about for which we are unprepared.” As he spoke, …

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