God at work again

A young man in his mid-twenties came to the door and when he was informed of the purpose of my visit he told me he was a communist from Yugoslavia.  Then he said, “I could be Jesus.”  I told him that was not possible, so he asked me, “Why not?” I explained that Jesus was not a communist …

You need Jesus Christ

I walked around the back of the house and I saw the man sitting on some out-house doorsteps stirring a tin of paint with an electric drill. As he looked up at me I said to him, “You need Jesus Christ.” He quickly responded by saying, “I’ve been looking for Him.”

I’ll do it my way!

The first time I met Mr de Silva he had very little time to chat, but he was very interested in my message so he asked me to come back at a later date.  Three weeks later I called back and he invited me inside.  He told me that here in Australia he was now …

Who do you say I am?

During His ministry on earth, Jesus Christ asked His disciples as to who the people thought He was.  Now, it wasn’t that He didn’t know what the people were thinking or saying about Him, but He used this to challenge the disciples with His next question, “Who do you say I am?”  To all who have heard …

Different Gospel responses from all kinds of people

Many people I met with were more than aware of their lack of knowledge of God and as such were embarrassed.  Others felt guilty.  For a lot of them the embarrassment and guilt set in when their children and grandchildren began to ask them questions about where they (the children) came from, how they were born, the creation of  animals, flowers and the …

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