Why Are the People not Told This?

Recently on television, I viewed a news item about a forthcoming canonization into sainthood of a nun who lived here in Australia from the mid-1800’s to the early 1900’s.  In October, she will be the first such person to be canonized in this nation and therefore, a level of great interest is being shown, not only by members of the …

What Makes us any Different from An Atheist?

A well known British former atheist, now born-again Christian, gave an interview on television recently and in answer to a question, he described today’s atheists as, “self-satisfied, arrogant, intolerant, completely resistant to any kind of outside argument and contemptuous of it.”  A casual glance in the numerous Internet forums proves him to be 100% accurate with his …

Manipulative Practices in The Church

Back in March 1987 when I first began to do systematic Bible studies I was simply amazed to be learning of the nature and character of God Almighty, Who was revealing Himself to me in the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ using a book – or sixty-six books, known as the Bible. No greater miracle is there in all …

I failed to study that word “free”

“In the church, there is no hierarchy.  Leaders are not to force their will on others.”  My wife and I visited a church one time and were very blessed to hear those exact words coming from the minister, as he preached his sermon.  The words impacted me because prior to him speaking, this had been our experience far

Chewed up and spat out

Whether they were church-goers or not, every so often on the streets I was asked, “What does ‘born again’ mean?” Thanks to the Internet today there are some wonderful, in-depth, theological answers to the question, but for the purposes of this post, it literally means to be “born from above by the Spirit of God.” …

That’s rubbish!

There was a time when I used to say that it didn’t matter what one believed in life. If someone believed this, that, or something to be true or the truth, well then that’s the way it is for them – truth. When it came to all the various religions and their practitioners in the …

So did their actions

A constant, but remarkable observation for me always, was the apathy and indifference demonstrated by the middle-class in the community, towards the gospel of Jesus Christ.  Here I was, a messenger, equipped with the greatest news possible for each and every one of them, operating under the authority and empowerment of the greatest News Director in all the …

But they still have a god

As a “hands on” public messenger of the Christian gospel in my local community I learned some powerful truths about human nature.  I learned that everybody holds firmly to a belief system (god) regardless of whether they say they believe in God or not.  It was a fascinating experience to listen to someone tell me something like, “I have no need of any God …

I asked him to name the one desire of his life

My church received a phone call one afternoon from a lady, wanting to know if there was someone who would sit and talk with her brother, who was a drug addict.  She said he was living with herself and her husband but the situation was becoming increasingly problematic for them all.  Apparently he was on …

How can you speak for God?!

My first meeting with Bill, standing at his door lasted half an hour.  He told me he saw the world as being in such a mess that there was no hope for it.  At the time, the first Gulf war was on and economically things were rather bleak for a lot of people, including Bill who was …

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