Over the past twenty-five years a mother has suffered the loss of three sons. Now ninety-three years of age, she wants to know what she did wrong. When family members tell her it’s not her fault she cannot accept it. Another mother suffered the loss of three sons within ten years. In her eighties when I meet her, …
Yearly Archives: 2013
Amazing Grays, Amazing Grace – Book Review
The important question is not how, why, where, or when; the important question is “Who?” This book is a collection of scripturally-based true stories offered for the sole purpose of sharing how horses allow us to find a closer relationship with God. Woven into the fabric of the message is love, correction, wonderment, obedience, accountability, success, …
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Their Reactions are the Witness that It’s Not
People don’t say, “Superstitious nonsense,” when listening to a medical practitioner explain medical cures. Why not? People don’t say, “How ridiculous,” when listening to a school teacher explain the importance of education. Why not? People don’t say, “How gullible,” when listening to a motor mechanic explain the necessity for regular car service. Why not? People don’t say, “How brain-washed,” when listening to an insurance agent …
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These Great Documents of the Christian Faith
Recently I spent some hours re-reading, The Westminster Confession of Faith (1643-46), Articles of Religion (Thirty-nine Articles 1571: Church of England), The New Hampshire Baptist Confession (1833), Baptist Faith and Message (1963 version) and The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy (1978). For any Christian today who’s in doubt and confusion, or who simply desires to be refreshed in spirit and mind as …
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There is a Church that has Not let us Down
In a Television discussion devoted to religion, marriage and euthanasia, a prominent ex-politician told the audience she was disappointed in all of the churches. She said, “they have let us down in a whole variety of ways but, there is a place for someone, certainly other than the state and certainly other than just Rafferty’s Rules (no rules), …
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Feeling Restless and Joyless?
A Christian man recently told me that in the last ten years or so he and his wife had left three churches because of unsound doctrine and Scripture compromise. He doesn’t know how long they’ll stay with church number four either, because it practices infant baptism as well as believer’s baptism – a tradition going back nearly …
Who’s The Real Spiritual Rapist Here?
When I first shared the gospel with family and friends twenty-eight years ago, at best there was laughter and ridicule, at worst there was scorn and abuse plus labeling; “religious nutcase” and “fundamentalist idiot.” Two years later when I began in earnest to systematically study the Scriptures, I was warned to prepare for an all-out attack that would one day come …
My Possession of the Mind of Christ
What’s the difference between Christians and other religious people? Simple answer, but a profound truth; we have the mind of Christ 1 Corinthians 2:16, which means we have the mind of God. Nobody but a Christian can legitimately claim such for themselves because everyone else rejects the deity of Christ. Reject that reality and you reject God Himself Luke 10:16. “There are two types …
Who’s Building The House?
I’m noticing of late that it’s not only cynical unbelieving people asking, “If God exists, then why doesn’t He show Himself?” But some Christians are asking it too. My answer to the cynical unbeliever is simple, “God reveals Himself to humble, repentant people. Besides, you know He exists.” But that’s not my answer to a brother or sister in Christ, who …