Be a Voice for God not an Echo

God bless every person young and old who by faith opens their mouth to proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel message of salvation. Especially may God bless you who thinks your efforts have no great impact on those spoken to. God will honor your efforts regardless of such thoughts, which are a lie from …

So How Does One Get Converted?

On social media last week a fellow Christian said he’d come to the conclusion “…..if you are a liberal Christian you are not a fully converted Christian……..” Based on my years of gospel proclamation, perhaps a Liberal Christian is not converted at all. Human reasoning seems to be their approach to things biblical, not divine revelation. The late H. Richard Niebuhr summed …

Who’s The Real Spiritual Rapist Here?

When I first shared the gospel with family and friends twenty-eight years ago, at best there was laughter and ridicule, at worst there  was scorn and abuse plus labeling; “religious nutcase” and “fundamentalist idiot.” Two years later when I began in earnest to systematically study the Scriptures, I was warned to prepare for an all-out attack that would one day come …

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