The Me Crowd

Decades ago, a principled businessman said, “A business absolutely devoted to service will have only one worry about profits. They will be embarrassingly large.” Asked to compare work differences in her day with today, the much sought after studio musician of the 1950-60’s said, “Back then it was always us, us, us. Today it’s all about me, me, …

My Possession of the Mind of Christ

What’s the difference between Christians and other religious people? Simple answer, but a profound truth; we have the mind of Christ 1 Corinthians 2:16, which means we have the mind of God. Nobody but a Christian can legitimately claim such for themselves because everyone else rejects the deity of Christ. Reject that reality and you reject God Himself Luke 10:16. “There are two types …

Progressive Reality Equals Progressive Liberty

During the presentation of my radio gospel program a lady phoned leaving a message to say she was being, “wonderfully blessed” by what she was hearing and that, “the Holy Spirit was speaking His truth.” During the presentation I was making some distinctions between common church practice and not so common reality.  At the end of the program, I took a call from a …

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