Watch Out For Charlatans and Wolves

Christians have asked me, “What does the Bible mean when it says…….?” When responding by saying it means exactly what it says, they seem rather taken aback. It’s as though they’re thinking, “But there must be more to it than that.” Often such questioning can be a key indicator of what kind of teaching they’re getting. Take salvation …

Different Label – Same Stuff in the Bottle!

On a recent national television program, millions of Australian people including myself, watched and listened to a cult leader in his late 40’s tell us he was Jesus Christ.  There’s nothing new in this of course, he’s simply one of many from around the world who pop up from time to time claiming the same …

Progressive Reality Equals Progressive Liberty

During the presentation of my radio gospel program a lady phoned leaving a message to say she was being, “wonderfully blessed” by what she was hearing and that, “the Holy Spirit was speaking His truth.” During the presentation I was making some distinctions between common church practice and not so common reality.  At the end of the program, I took a call from a …

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