One of the expressions of Christian-speak disturbing me in this time of increasing evil is: “God loves the sinner, but He hates the sin.” It rolls off the mouth of Christians so easily. When preachers express it they’ll also use the most famous Scripture to back it up: For God so loved the world that He gave His only …
Category Archives: Encouragement
She’s not Anti-Islamic, She’s Pro-Jesus!
In Washington DC, recently, a full Muslim worship service took place in what is known as the national house of prayer, the National Cathedral. Apparently chairs and pews were removed, with Islamic prayer rugs replacing them on the floor, all facing Mecca. It is reported that those invited sat with their backs to the cross on the …
People who only Want to Know a Little Bit about God
The mother of a young school child expressed indignation at the school’s decision to do away with Christmas celebrations this year. “However,” she said, “We are all encouraged to gather and enjoy a halal sausage and salad together.” Muslim children in attendance there are (at this stage) as few as any others of a non-Christian religion, so the mother was …
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The Devil’s Own
The pastor said, “The devil doesn’t have a word of his own, he has to steal it from God.” Well, it lines up perfectly with what the Bible tells us of him. Not only does he steal God’s word, but he twists it, misquotes it and misuses it in any way he can. That’s what …
He Made Lots Of “sounds good, feels good” Statements
I see Pope Francis recently sent a You Tube message to one of America’s prominent Charismatic leaders via an Anglican bishop saying that Charismatics and Catholics must unite. It is not the message of the Pope that concerns me here; it is the message of the bishop. He spoke to hundreds of Charismatics attending a conference …
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The Devil’s Darts
The visiting Bible teacher told us, “Continue to read the Word of God even when you don’t understand it. It washes away the rubbish anyway.” I’m glad I took his advice. Back then, my head still contained too much rubbish – humanist rubbish, religious rubbish, superstitious rubbish, pagan rubbish, New Age rubbish, Marxist rubbish, Satanic rubbish …
The Power
Years ago as a new Christian, preachers often told us the church had lost its power. Unbelief or lack of faith was the suggested problem back then. Today as I look at the Western church, it seems that lots of people within don’t know there is such a power to lose! To me that suggests ignorance is …
That’s God’s language!
Pastor-teacher, John MacArthur says, “Speak the truth about the sin in order to speak the truth about the Savior who forgives.” Praise God that he does! I wonder how different things would be if every pastor-teacher would take a leaf from his book and do the same. In his new book, a Senator in the …
Those Who Confront the Authority of God
In reference to Church history, the late Derek Prince said, “Wherever Satan has persuaded theologians and ministers to question Scripture he has always brought them to the point where they actually deny it.” How does it work? First they question Scripture, then they doubt Scripture, then they disbelieve Scripture, then they disobey Scripture. From this pattern, Satan …
The World Hates You
Why is it so many Church leaders seem unable or unwilling to come to terms with the profound truth Jesus declared in John 15:18, If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you ? It’s pretty clear … the world hates you. So why do you spend all your time and energy trying …