A Dress Rehearsal

In relation to the current world-wide coronavirus pandemic, a Christian pastor on You Tube said recently, “This is a dress rehearsal for what is coming.” What did he mean? Was he saying there’s another one of greater intensity following on the heels this of one? Not particularly, he was referring to what is to come …

Righteousness follows Redemption, Worship follows Righteousness

Quote: “Redemption is prior to righteousness. You cannot be righteous until you are first redeemed. Redemption, righteousness – you cannot worship until you are redeemed and righteous. That is the chronology, that is the logic of it all. Redemption, righteousness and worship.” – Ravi Zacharias.***   Redemption – ‘deliverance by sacrifice.’ Of all the religious books, the …

Be a Voice for God not an Echo

God bless every person young and old who by faith opens their mouth to proclaim the Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel message of salvation. Especially may God bless you who thinks your efforts have no great impact on those spoken to. God will honor your efforts regardless of such thoughts, which are a lie from …

When Jehovah’s Witnesses Come Knocking

I’m always pleased when Jehovah’s Witnesses come knocking on my door. Why? It’s my God-given opportunity to witness Jehovah to them. I inform them, “I’m Jehovah’s witness too; His name is Jesus and now I’m going to tell you what He’s done for me. He took away my desire for boozing and drunkenness. Jesus cleaned …

Observable Evidence the Bible is God’s Inspired Word

What is some observable evidence the Bible is God’s inspired word? Answer: The reactions one receives from most people when one proclaims its Scriptures. For some there will be feelings of discomfort; they’ll change the subject. For others, there will be feelings of anger but they’ll keep it under wraps, dismissing you in the process. Not only will some have feelings …

Get Away from Religious Impostors

Question: What is it churches endorsing same-sex marriage, transgenderism and interfaith have in common? Answer: they are all walking a road they believe takes them to heaven, but the reality is it takes them to hell. It matters not the number of arrow-pointed signs marked “Heaven” on that road, hell is where they’re headed and …

Battle Won, Not the War!

Years ago it was not uncommon for us to hear a Korean or Vietnam War veteran say, “We won the battle but lost the war.” On the Internet recently I heard a Christian minister saying similar, “As Christians we’re good at winning battles, we’re just not good at winning wars.” There’s a valid excuse for the war veterans. Both wars …

Satan’s Lying Media

Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know Jeremiah 33:3. In other words, “Come before Me in humility, brokenness and faithfulness, Jeremiah, and tenaciously seek My will, wait patiently for Me to answer and when it unfolds before your eyes it’s going to blow your mind!” …

We Who Have the Mind of Christ

All glory to God! Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus Philippians 2:5. How gracious of God Almighty that He should grant His redeemed ones the mind of the Lord. Whenever I’m asked to give the difference between what it is Bible Christians believe verses those of other religious people, my response …

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