The Church has Silenced Itself! Time to Speak Up!

Quote: “The devil has no authority over us other than that which we give him.” Whether it be preached from church pulpits or declared in home Bible studies, Christians have been listening to that statement, or similar, for decades. And for the last 30-plus years that I have heard it, “Amen,” has always been the …

The God-sent Moment of Truth

All hell broke loose during April this year when a well-known Christian International Rugby Union player here in Australia was asked by someone on “Social” Media, “What was God’s plan for gays?” His reply, “HELL, unless they repent of their sins and turn to God.” As can be imagined, he won himself few friends with that …

Jesus Will See To It

A man once told me he found friends outside the church to be, “better than those inside the church. They’re more loyal, more trustworthy and more reliable by far.” Sadly, most of them in his church did turn out to be disloyal, untrustworthy and unreliable, nevertheless, I asked, “How many of the outsiders would remain your friend if …

Satan Goes to Church

And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake…… Matthew 10:22. In my 30-plus years as a Christian, that Scripture has not been among the favorites of preachers, teachers or evangelists I’ve sat under, unless they relegated it back to the apostles of Christ’s day, the martyrs of Foxe’s book or other persecuted Christians of yesteryear in …

Partial Quoting and Misquoting of Scripture

I’m noticing more of late, partial quoting and misquoting of Scripture by people, who use it to support same-sex practice. “As many as accept Him, God gives them the power to become His sons,” says one. “God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son,” says another. That’s just a couple of examples, but …

Eyes like a Flame of Fire

According to mainstream media, “Are you religious?” was the question each person was asked before dying at the hand of the demon-possessed shooter at Umpqua Community College, in Oregon, USA. Apparently the true question asked was, “Are you Christian?” Imagine the headlines had the question been, “Are you Muslim?” or, “Are you gay?” The Lord Jesus Christ, in whose name …

A Scoffer is a Mocker and a Mocker is a Scoffer

“Prove to me the existence of God,” says the mocking scoffer. “Prove to me the Bible is the Word of God,” says the scoffing mocker. My response: “You are the proof!” Will such a response give witness to them that this is so. No, most probably not. But for any new Christian reading this post, it will …

Near Death Experiences

Years ago as a Gospel messenger out on the streets of my community I was asked from time to time to give thoughts regarding those claiming to have died and gone to heaven or hell, then came back again. “I’ve just read a book about this woman who had a near death experience; fascinating!” they’d say. “Sounds like heaven …

These Three Lies

The truth-speaking Pastor told his people, “The generation to whom the lie is told will never believe the truth. Truth speakers will never be given an opportunity to be heard.” This man tells the truth about his race and his race hates him for it. He tells the truth about the church and the church …

There’s No Other Road to Happiness and Fulfillment

I was in the company of two unhappy, unfulfilled women recently, one in her late sixties and the other in her early twenties. The older woman hates the Jews, the younger one dishonors her mother. As a result, both women are giving witness to the truth declared in the Bible that they are under a curse. I will bless those who bless you and I …

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