I watched a TV program the other night about a man they called the Face Doctor. He is a jaw and face reconstructive surgeon whose patients are mostly young victims of drunken violence. Asked how often was he putting people’s faces back together again because of violence, he said, “Every single week. It just goes on …
Category Archives: Encouragement
The Classical God
One of our best known and highly respected TV journalists died of cancer a few days ago. In response to a question about mortality he said, “I believe very strongly in the classical God and Jesus Christ. I went to a Anglican boarding school who came very close to driving any concern or respect for religion out …
This Make You Mad?
Reading some quotes of English writer Aldous Huxley on the Internet recently, this one grabbed my attention, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad.” Amen! Since becoming a Christian in 1985, multitudes of times I have found Mr Huxley’s statement to be every bit as true as Jesus’ statement, You shall know the truth …
There’s No Other Road to Happiness and Fulfillment
I was in the company of two unhappy, unfulfilled women recently, one in her late sixties and the other in her early twenties. The older woman hates the Jews, the younger one dishonors her mother. As a result, both women are giving witness to the truth declared in the Bible that they are under a curse. I will bless those who bless you and I …
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Jesus Can Deliver the Depraved From their Depravity
And the end of a movie on TV the other night I flicked through the channels to see what else might be of interest. I stopped at one channel and instead of dismissing it immediately it was seven or eight seconds before I did so. Depravity was the only word to come to mind; not of an explicit sexual nature, …
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God never Speaks like Satan but Satan Speaks like God!
A Christian woman came out of the prayer room one Sunday; she sighed and said, “Sometimes I feel so inadequate in God.” In a telephone conversation, the Christian man said, “I ask forgiveness for my sins every night.” That’s a grand thing to ask if one sins every day, but he was asking for that too which he’d confessed when …
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That’s Why Jesus Christ Is Savior!
In reference to signs of the end times, the first sign Jesus told His disciples to look for was that of religious deception. Take heed that you be not deceived…….. Luke 21:8. Perhaps for the generations that were not able to hold a Bible in their hands, they can be excused for their ignorance of …
That’s Why the “church” Is Not the Church
Leaders of Christian churches were asked in a survey how they determined whether or not a church was successful. Overwhelmingly the answer was four-fold: size, money, church programs and buildings. None of them mentioned anything about transformation of people’s lives through preaching and teaching with truth and love. My immediate thought was that these men don’t …
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Five Reasons Why People Will Go Through The Great Tribulation
I’ve been giving attention to some Scriptures declaring God’s forthcoming wrath, one day soon to be poured out upon all haters of God in what Jesus calls, great tribulation such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. Matthew 24:21. It’s not a pretty picture! Neither should it be when one …
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It Lacks a Man like Sir Winston Churchill
Over the Christmas and New Year break I was greatly blessed to read a biography written well over sixty years ago on the life and work of British politician and statesman Sir Winston Churchill. I was also greatly blessed to discover the biographer to be a man of humility, honesty and integrity. Originally he had made it his aim …
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