I saw an ad on a TV Channel recently, promoting a forth-coming film/documentary and in his script I heard the voice-over man speak of, “the mythical history of human origin as presented in Genesis.” It took me back to my days on the streets as a gospel messenger. Not too many of those days would …
Category Archives: Encouragement
Muddled & Confused
I typed the search term “end times” into Google the other day and it came back with a result of 5,250,000 over 79 pages. Whatever else those figures tell us, it shows that millions of people all over the world have some interest in this subject. Next, I typed in the search term “end times prophecy” and it …
The Constant One-sided Story
For a few years now, I have found it rather disturbing to hear and read comments made by some Christian people immediately following tragic events happening around the world. Drought, famine, fire, floods, tornadoes, cyclones, earthquakes, political and economic upheaval, war … whether it is factual or not, all of them do seem to be happening at an exponential level …
But Once it’s All Over it’s All Over
A retired Christian man came out with me on the streets of my local suburb as we went door-to-door sharing the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. He had been a Christian for many years, his wife and family being the same. One of his children was also in ministry elsewhere. One day I knocked on a door of a home and …
The False & Unnatural
I’ve been giving some increased thought lately to some comments made by one of the great Bible teachers, the late Derek Prince. About twenty-two years ago I was studying the Scriptures from one of his video teachings and although I don’t recall his exact words, the thought has never left me. He said something like, “Some people change their …
Looking Good
Many years ago I was chatting with a neighbor across the street who had recently had the front of his home sand-blasted so as to remove years-old paint from the bricks. The age of the home was around one hundred years and with the finishing touches he was putting to it, I mentioned to him that all was looking …
His Total Love for the Total Man
A lady informed me recently that she had been visiting with an old couple and being friends for many years, the 88 year-old man asked her to write his obituary. Both people are professional horse trainers, but she is also a Christian, a popular writer and author. She attends church with the old man’s wife and had always …
The Natural is Out the Supernatural is In
Over the years since becoming a Christian, more than once have I heard a fellow believer speak in glowing terms over the personality and talents, gifts or abilities of certain unbelieving people and then say something like, “It’s such a pity that he (or she) is not in Christ. He (or she) would make a lovely Christian.” When asked why, the responses …
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UnScriptural Religious Traditions & Church Programs
A pastor of a church privately shared that God had shown him his “black heart.” He left it at that. He was asked what he was going to do about it and he replied that it was so horrible he wasn’t going to do anything about it. He was advised that if he didn’t, then eventually it …
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Twice-A-Year Christians
I was speaking with a couple of people who told me, “we make sure we go to church twice a year … at Christmas time and Easter.” They had a proud kind of, “waddya-think-of-that?”-type look on their faces, so I responded with, “Big deal. It sounds to me like you believe you’re doing God a favor.” Each gave no …