Of the many hundreds of people that I met doing this work out on the streets, there were only a few that I had the on-going pleasure to visit on a regular basis. Regardless of whether they accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ or not, I was made welcome in their homes for tea or …
Category Archives: Encouragement
There’s something shallow about them
Eighteen year-old Year Twelve student Charlie was very curious to know what it was that I believed as a Christian. He told me he had lots of mates around his own age who were born again Christians and they regularly took him to a large church that held charismatic meetings. He said he saw something in them that suggested Christ was …
So did their actions
A constant, but remarkable observation for me always, was the apathy and indifference demonstrated by the middle-class in the community, towards the gospel of Jesus Christ. Here I was, a messenger, equipped with the greatest news possible for each and every one of them, operating under the authority and empowerment of the greatest News Director in all the …
The progressive order
Mrs Sullivan was in her early thirties and she told me she was on her second marriage, “which is heading the same way as the first.” She said she had a bad temper and suffered lots of guilt and fears. She was also grossly overweight – obese. She knew about the message I was proclaiming. When she was a …
What is the explanation?
I experienced a wide variety of negative responses when proclaiming the Christian gospel message with people at their doorstep or in their homes. I was often amazed however, at just how rude and bad mannered many of the elderly, retired, “well-to do” people could become. In every other way perhaps, they would probably show up …
Ah yes, but the Bible………
A middle-aged church-going man asked me, “Why is your church marketing itself like a business?” I replied by informing him that rather than “marketing” ourselves, we were in fact, fulfilling the biblical command of Christ, who told us “go” not “come.” In other words, our commitment was to go and tell people about Jesus Christ and what He has …
Prove it
The lady looked to be in her mid-thirties and was of southern European heritage. She told me that she, “used to go to church,” but had not done so for many years. She had guilt written all over her when telling me this. She went on to say that she had been divorced for fourteen years, she …
But they did not believe God
I suppose the number of church-affiliated people who told me that they believed in God, in comparison to the non-church-affiliated who said they did not, could have been as high as ninety-five percent. That figure is purely a guess on my part. In any case, I was quick to learn that it did not really matter. Of those ninety-five percent …
If words are powerful, how powerful are God’s?
I ministered to a lot of deeply hurting, angry and bitter people during my time as a street minister. So deep seated were these emotions in many, that not only were they affected mentally but also physically. Chronic sickness in the community was as common as a cold day in winter and if I was fortunate …
Continue reading “If words are powerful, how powerful are God’s?”
Just about everybody was an expert
In the three and a half years I ministered as a public messenger of the Christian gospel, it seemed that just about everybody was an expert when it came to the Bible. To the clever and the sophisticated, it was a book of out-dated ancient literature used by the religious, the political or otherwise, to control …