Pope Francis released a video recently, calling for people of all religions to work together for peace. Predictably, interfaith unity is his way of seeing it come to pass, not faith in the Prince of Peace Himself, the Lord Jesus Christ Isaiah 9:6. His video features a Jewish Rabbi, “I believe in God,” a Muslim leader, “I …
Category Archives: Encouragement
Mockers Attacking the Bible
For an experiment, some young people in Europe purchased a Bible, disguised it with a dust jacket from the Koran. Next they highlighted verses from both Testaments that contrast with current Western norms and values. They read those verses to both young and old people at random on the street and asked for their opinion. The people …
Righteousness is The Key!
“The free offer of the gospel is broad enough to include the worst sinner who believes; the gospel is narrow enough to exclude the most moral, religious unbeliever.” – John MacArthur. If you ask most thinking people if they believe there’s a God in heaven, they’ll tell you they do. If you ask the same people if …
Haters of the Truth
The Bible is my Final Authority! All praise to God for enabling me to confess that as such from my early days as a born-again Christian. Not that I had read or studied much of it at the time, but that which I had, God made it clear to me that this Book is the truth, the whole …
This War is Spiritual in Nature
In relation to the slaughter in Paris, France, Friday November 13, 2015 – “This time it’s war,” so say that nation’s media people. “This does look like a war,” so say the politicians of other nations. “It’s always been a war,” so say Muslims and so say Holy Spirit-led Christians. The one grand difference between us though is …
Three Reasons why Liberty is not fully Expressed in Christians
All praise to God for the man in the pulpit who exhorts his people to study the Scriptures for themselves, “otherwise you’re going to struggle in these last days.” They are rare men. Many of God’s people need to be exhorted otherwise they don’t do it. They read the Scriptures but don’t study them. Sadly too some fail to study because …
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Become a Delivery Boy; Become a Delivery Girl
When asked by His disciples why He spoke to the people in parables, Jesus’ response, as translated by JB Phillips New Testament has impressed me of late. This is why I speak to them in parables; because they go through life with their eyes open, but they see nothing, and with their ears open, but understand nothing of …
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Smoldering Embers
“I don’t like to preach a lot about sin,” said the pastor. “That’s going to drive them away.” “Our church doesn’t preach doom and gloom,” said the lady. “It preaches good news.” “If you come to our church you’ll be made very welcome,” said another. “Not like some, where all they do is make you feel bad.” “I won’t …
Partial Quoting and Misquoting of Scripture
I’m noticing more of late, partial quoting and misquoting of Scripture by people, who use it to support same-sex practice. “As many as accept Him, God gives them the power to become His sons,” says one. “God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son,” says another. That’s just a couple of examples, but …
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Satan’s Soldiers
I wonder what happened to those disciples of Jesus who were offended by Him when He told them He was the true bread from heaven, the bread of God, the bread of life, the living bread which came down from heaven John 6:22-71. We know many of them went back and walked with Him no more, …