I Don’t Believe they Don’t Believe in God

For the past couple of years or so, I’ve been noting comments made by the same few people on one particular “social” media forum who say they don’t believe in God and religion. When a new discussion thread comes up about either one, they can always be relied upon to turn up like clockwork and express an opinion. Sadly …

Uncountable Tyrants Rule the Day

A young man once told me he believed the gospel of Jesus Christ to be true. When asking if he wanted to take advantage of it by surrendering his life to the Lord he declined saying, “It would mean I have to change my life.” After listening to responses containing all sorts of objections, justifications and excuses, his response was, in …

Self-god Is a Tyrant

Working with a group of people recently, I noticed the shaking hands of a young man.  Although the opening session included brief introductions all around, my immediate thought was that his shaking was more than one of simply being nervous about sharing when it came his turn to do so.  I’d seen such shaking a few …

That’s The Problem With Our Problems

The other morning on television I watched a group of people sitting on the ground in a circle expressing forced laughter.  Apparently research has shown that the health benefits of laughter are far-reaching, strengthening one’s immune system, boosting energy, diminishing pain and giving protection from the damaging effects of stress.  More than one person had a stressed out …

Looking Good

Many years ago I was chatting with a neighbor across the street who had recently had the front of his home sand-blasted so as to remove years-old paint from the bricks.  The age of the home was around one hundred years and with the finishing touches he was putting to it, I mentioned to him that all was looking …

A Great Curse of Society

What is it about a person who thinks nothing of swearing and blaspheming the name of Jesus Christ in the company of born again Christians but who wouldn’t dare do so in the company of a priest or a nun?  I have experienced this many times over the years since turning to the Lord. In …

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