No wonder we’re Mocked and Ridiculed for our Beliefs

Why are Bible Christians mocked and ridiculed for their beliefs but people of other beliefs are not mocked or ridiculed for theirs? Answer: The Bible is the only Book to accurately reveal and proclaim the nature and character of Jesus Christ. We stand on that alone, thereby rejecting all extra-biblical writings and religious traditions. Why …

The Spirit of Might not Mice

The old pastor told a business leader that he would like to meet with him and four or five of his colleagues. The business leader said he would like to do the same, but his colleagues were reluctant to do so, “they’re scared of you, they don’t want to sit in the same room with you.” The old …

Now That’s Power!

The pastor told a few men in his church that if they wanted the power of God, the quickest way to get it was to undertake a six week fast, which is what he once did. The men were impressed; in his ministry they saw he had the power. As well as being an excellent expository preacher and teacher, he regularly …

The Earth is Not going Anywhere

On Sunday June 5, an estimated 10,000 people here in Melbourne rallied as part of a national climate change campaign urging the federal government to set a carbon price.  And one of the newspapers carrying the story showed a picture of a young boy about twelve years old holding a green placard.  Written on the placard were the words, “The Earth Is …

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