I thank God for His mercy in revealing from Bible Scripture, signs this present age is winding down: wars, rumors of wars, against nations, governments against governments, famines, pestilences and earthquakes. True, they’ve all been around for a very long time, but not on the scale we’re now witnessing them across the globe. One sign …
Tag Archives: social gospel
False Concepts of God
Praise God for the Old Testament Prophets, John the Baptist, the Lord Jesus Christ and the apostles. In spite of how each may have felt, they didn’t hesitate to tell it how it is! Nowhere in Scripture do we see them playing games with words; no watering down, no softly, softly approach, no attempts to appease, no apologies …
It’s Your Badge of Honor
“You’re too black and white; you leave no room for grey areas.” How many Christians have had an accusation similar to that thrown at them for their uncompromising stand for the Scriptures of the Bible?! All praise to God if you have. It’s your badge of honor; wear it proudly! As it is presently, you are one …
How Did It Get To This?
“How did it get to this?” That’s the nagging question on the lips of thinking, concerned people who once lived in a time when, “it was not like this.” Not like what? Corruption in high places and low places across the nations. Immoral, unethical and unprincipled political candidates, current politicians, legal people, businessman, big bankers etc. Society’s indifference …
These Marxist-Leninist Puppets of Hatred & Persecution
It was around the time of the first Gulf War when I asked the young man in his early twenties if I could talk to him about his salvation and he matter-of-factly said, “I don’t have any belief in your God or your gospel and I hate everything they stand for!” He told me he was a University …
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