The Church has Silenced Itself! Time to Speak Up!

Quote: “The devil has no authority over us other than that which we give him.” Whether it be preached from church pulpits or declared in home Bible studies, Christians have been listening to that statement, or similar, for decades. And for the last 30-plus years that I have heard it, “Amen,” has always been the …

The Garden’s Serpent

Pope Francis was recently reported as saying there is no hell. It’s a bogus, or “fake news” report as far as I can tell. However, it’s out there now and that is all most people need to confirm their own thoughts about the matter. Like all bogus reporting, the damage is done. Coupled with his statement …

Prepare for Accelerated Persecution

Heading towards 50 years ago, the Bible teacher said to his class, “There is only one thing worse than not getting your own way with God and that is when He gives you your own way.” I wonder if his students embraced the seriousness of what they heard that day. Perhaps not given the dead …

If the Church Allowed God back In

“This nation needs God,” is one of the common statements from Christians here in Australia presently. They are saying it in reference to the Australian people getting the opportunity soon, to have their vote on same-sex marriage through a postal plebiscite. Perhaps more accurately, they’re saying it because of the overt vitriol and bitterness spewing from the …

The Clever People are not Clever at All!

“The further a society drifts from the truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.” – George Orwell. One doesn’t have to be a Holy Spirit-led, Jesus Christ-centered, Bible-based Christian these days to experience society’s hatred for speaking the truth. One only has to be a man-made climate change skeptic, or a pro-lifer, …

Get Away from Religious Impostors

Question: What is it churches endorsing same-sex marriage, transgenderism and interfaith have in common? Answer: they are all walking a road they believe takes them to heaven, but the reality is it takes them to hell. It matters not the number of arrow-pointed signs marked “Heaven” on that road, hell is where they’re headed and …

Righteousness-conscious Christians

The Anglican Bishop of a major rural city here is the latest to date, publicly declaring support for same-sex marriage. There’s nothing surprising about that of course, but for any Bible Christians wondering how such a decision can be made based on what the Bible says about marriage, this is how it’s done. The Bishop’s quote: “The …

Satan’s Insiders – No Match for Jesus’ Insiders

The preacher told his church that he no longer believed in the biblical account of Noah and the Flood. What’s the big deal? one might ask, given that multitudes of preachers have been saying the same thing since the 1700’s or earlier. The big deal for me was his statement: “It seems even Jesus believed it.” The church is …

The Attack on Truth

The Christian cake-maker is asked to make a wedding cake for the same-sex couple, she says no, and all hell breaks loose in the USA. The Muslim cake-maker is asked to do the very same thing, he says no, and nobody speaks a word against him. Bible-only Christianity refuses to sanction same-sex marriage and all …

The Chief of All Sins

I’ve been thinking about the chief of all sins of late. It is the rejection of Jesus Christ – unbelief. Not rejection of Him by those in the unbelieving world, but rather, by those in the church. The greatest sin we have in the church today is unbelief. For surely this is happening when men and women within …

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