Their Voids are the Reality

A friend told me one night that he had doubts about the reality of the spiritual realm.  Like most people I know, his preference was to think of himself as a realist.  He said something like, “That which I can see, feel, touch and taste is reality for me and if I can’t do that, then I think it should be very questionable.”  So I …

The progressive order

Mrs Sullivan was in her early thirties and she told me she was on her second marriage, “which is heading the same way as the first.”  She said she had a bad temper and suffered lots of guilt and fears.  She was also grossly overweight – obese.  She knew about the message I was proclaiming.  When she was a …

Just about everybody was an expert

In the three and a half years I ministered as a public messenger of the Christian gospel, it seemed that just about everybody was an expert when it came to the Bible.  To the clever and the sophisticated, it was a book of out-dated ancient literature used by the religious, the political or otherwise, to control …

It’s just not fair!

The moment I mentioned that I was from a local church, Mrs Stark expressed immediate anger.  Standing in her doorway she told me in no uncertain terms that she was not interested in God or, “any of you people who say you believe in Him!”  Not only was this the voice of an angry woman but more …

God at work again

A young man in his mid-twenties came to the door and when he was informed of the purpose of my visit he told me he was a communist from Yugoslavia.  Then he said, “I could be Jesus.”  I told him that was not possible, so he asked me, “Why not?” I explained that Jesus was not a communist …

Can you come next week?

I met Mrs Stone at the local shopping center street festival.  It was during a time of economic downturn – unemployment was high, school leavers couldn’t find jobs, businesses in the street and elsewhere were closing down and in general there was an air of hopelessness across the community.

Tell me the difference between you both

During my time of street ministry I observed there to be no other organization so rigorously committed to systematic door to door visitations than that of the Jehovah Witnesses.  So organized and effective were they in their work in the three and a half years I was out there, they put the rest of us to shame.  And, …

I’ll do it my way!

The first time I met Mr de Silva he had very little time to chat, but he was very interested in my message so he asked me to come back at a later date.  Three weeks later I called back and he invited me inside.  He told me that here in Australia he was now …

You were sent by God today

The lady introduced herself as Dorothy.  Perhaps in her late sixties, she was already standing at her front gate as I came along, telling me that she had heard me speaking with a neighbour two doors down, so she “came out for a chat too.”  She said she was a widow and as a consequence didn’t get to …

Different Gospel responses from all kinds of people

Many people I met with were more than aware of their lack of knowledge of God and as such were embarrassed.  Others felt guilty.  For a lot of them the embarrassment and guilt set in when their children and grandchildren began to ask them questions about where they (the children) came from, how they were born, the creation of  animals, flowers and the …

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