The Coronavirus Chaos

A fellow Christian and I were discussing the coronavirus chaos recently. He said he was trying to figure out how much of the mainstream media reporting on it was true, how much was half true and how much was far from true. “It’s so difficult to know who to believe,” he said. “I don’t know …

A Conditional Promise from Jesus

A conditional promise from Jesus: Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid John 14:27. In other words, meet the Lord’s conditions and this promise is forthcoming. What conditions must one meet? …

Jesus Christ THE Solution to Anxiety

According to a former Google data scientist, Australians make more searches looking for help with anxiety than anyone else in the world. Apparently, whilst Australians don’t always confess their anxiety openly, they do confess this to Google. I Googled “anxiety” right now and it shows 380,000,000 results. How many of those represent Australians is anyone’s …

The Beginning Has Begun!

A young lady was brutally raped and murdered in our town recently, sending shock-waves throughout the entire nation. A week later over twenty thousand people gathered for a peace march in her memory in the street where she went missing. As a proclaimer of the gospel of Jesus Christ, I couldn’t help but note how biblical the …

You Have a Wrong Spirit

A little over a couple of years ago a minister of a church accused me of having, “a wrong spirit.”  He made the statement after reading a testimony of my experiences within his church.  Added to this, he said of the testimony, “It is rubbish.”  An elder of a church that I was a member of (at the time), told me …

Why Are the People not Told This?

Recently on television, I viewed a news item about a forthcoming canonization into sainthood of a nun who lived here in Australia from the mid-1800’s to the early 1900’s.  In October, she will be the first such person to be canonized in this nation and therefore, a level of great interest is being shown, not only by members of the …

Where did that come from?

One of the most common “mantras” I’ve discovered in society is, “If God is so all-loving and all-powerful, why does He allow war, suffering, starvation etc etc?” Many people who asked me this on the streets did not want my biblical answer, they used it only to justify their own position or stand in life. …

It runs in the family

It was not uncommon for me to encounter one family who were plagued by violence, depression, alcohol or drug abuse.  Usually the problem arose because of the habits of one member.  Rich or poor, young or old, male or female, educated or uneducated, it made no difference – the effects upon that family were extremely disturbing for them at the least and devastating for them …

Anything that didn’t cost

In the gospel of John in the New Testament we read of several people who were followers of Christ for a time and then they walked away from Him.  Basically they walked away because they knew a deeper commitment would be expected from each one of them if they stayed.  They enjoyed being part of the in-crowd taking full advantage of His …

Prove it

The lady looked to be in her mid-thirties and was of southern European heritage.  She told me that she, “used to go to church,” but had not done so for many years.  She had guilt written all over her when telling me this.  She went on to say that she had been divorced for fourteen years, she …

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