Walking Away From Christ

In the past few months, the Christian world has been rocked by the news of some high-profile Church leaders publicly declaring they are no longer believers in the Christian faith. One of them in May this year, is quoted as saying, “After 40 years of being a devout follower, 20 of those being an evangelical …

Encouragement for New Christians

Encouragement for new Christians: Each time you are ridiculed for your stand on the Bible, remember these Scriptures within, embrace them firmly, then smile: For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is …

It runs in the family

It was not uncommon for me to encounter one family who were plagued by violence, depression, alcohol or drug abuse.  Usually the problem arose because of the habits of one member.  Rich or poor, young or old, male or female, educated or uneducated, it made no difference – the effects upon that family were extremely disturbing for them at the least and devastating for them …

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