I’ve always remembered the advice mum gave me

Initial contact was made between us after both John and his wife Rebecca viewed a thought-provoking, thirty-second television message which asked questions about life after physical death. John phoned the church the morning after its presentation and asked if someone would come and visit with them for further discussions.  The day he phoned was Anzac Day …

I asked him to name the one desire of his life

My church received a phone call one afternoon from a lady, wanting to know if there was someone who would sit and talk with her brother, who was a drug addict.  She said he was living with herself and her husband but the situation was becoming increasingly problematic for them all.  Apparently he was on …

Any extreme possible

The day Mrs Landers came to the door she immediately began to cry when I mentioned that I was from a local church, calling to give her a, “good message from the Lord Jesus Christ.”  It was the first week of winter and she said to me, “Always at this time of the year I …

How can you speak for God?!

My first meeting with Bill, standing at his door lasted half an hour.  He told me he saw the world as being in such a mess that there was no hope for it.  At the time, the first Gulf war was on and economically things were rather bleak for a lot of people, including Bill who was …

I can tell you all about the Bible

The day I knocked on Errol’s door, immediately he said, “Come in.  I’ve been waiting for you.  If you want to know anything about the Bible, talk to me.  I can tell you all about the Bible.”  He took me into his study and then asked his wife to make us all a cup of tea.  …

Tell me the difference between you both

During my time of street ministry I observed there to be no other organization so rigorously committed to systematic door to door visitations than that of the Jehovah Witnesses.  So organized and effective were they in their work in the three and a half years I was out there, they put the rest of us to shame.  And, …

He spoke of his doubts in Christ’s forgiveness

The church fellowship I was associated with during the time of my street ministry very quickly developed a reputation for it’s sound Biblical teaching and workings of God in the community.  As a result, Christians from other churches became regular visitors.  Many such visitors then became committed members, whilst others, although not as committed, nevertheless were regular attendees among us.  One …

I’m having the most beautiful experience

I had just finished a time of prayer and ministry with Jean in her home when her next door neighbor Helen called in.  Jean introduced me to her and explained the reason for my visit and suggested to Helen that perhaps she would like me to pray with her also.  On a previous visit with …

You’ll think I’m mad, everybody else does!

With her approval, I shared the gospel of Jesus Christ with Jean at her doorstep, I prayed for her, gave her my phone number and then said that when she felt the need for God’s help, to then pray to God the Father in Jesus’ name and ask Him for help.  She thanked me and said she would do so.

He Gets Angry And He Kicks ’em Out!

I knocked on the door of a family home in a middle-class suburb in Melbourne.  An elderly lady answered, I introduced myself and explained to her that I was from the local church and that the reason for my call was to offer prayer for any needs she or the family might have. 

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