How to Know if Your Reverend Speaks for Jesus

Recently I viewed a Reverend on You Tube speaking of Jesus. The Jesus she spoke of however, is not the Jesus revealed to us in the Bible. This was no surprise to me though given the increasing disrespect many Reverends have for the Bible these days, but had I been there, still my challenge to …

The Spirit of Truth Warns Against Delusion and Falsehood

Quote: “Men (people) can have truth or lies, whichever they prefer. If they will to do God’s will, He will give them truth and the Spirit will guide them ultimately into all the truth. But if men will not have truth Satan will lead them step by step into all manner of delusion and falsehood.” …

Christ’s Spiritual Adversary

In a number of posts on this blog, I’ve sought to draw attention to the reality of persecution. All who take a stand for the biblical Lord Jesus Christ do, or will, experience persecution. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake,…… Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all …

Righteousness-conscious Christians

The Anglican Bishop of a major rural city here is the latest to date, publicly declaring support for same-sex marriage. There’s nothing surprising about that of course, but for any Bible Christians wondering how such a decision can be made based on what the Bible says about marriage, this is how it’s done. The Bishop’s quote: “The …

That’s God’s language!

Pastor-teacher, John MacArthur says, “Speak the truth about the sin in order to speak the truth about the Savior who forgives.” Praise God that he does! I wonder how different things would be if every pastor-teacher would take a leaf from his book and do the same. In his new book, a Senator in the …

The “Jesus never said anything about it” Crowd

The following comment grabbed my attention the other day, “The trouble is men are not willing to let the Scriptures say what they want to say. This is largely due to their training, environment, prejudice or desire to make the Scriptures teach some favorite doctrine.” Clarence Larkin (1850-1924). It was in reference to his day …

These Great Documents of the Christian Faith

Recently I spent some hours re-reading, The Westminster Confession of Faith (1643-46), Articles of Religion (Thirty-nine Articles 1571: Church of England), The New Hampshire Baptist Confession (1833), Baptist Faith and Message (1963 version) and The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy (1978). For any Christian today who’s in doubt and confusion, or who simply desires to be refreshed in spirit and mind as …

There is a Church that has Not let us Down

In a Television discussion devoted to religion, marriage and euthanasia, a prominent ex-politician told the audience she was disappointed in all of the churches. She said, “they have let us down in a whole variety of ways but, there is a place for someone, certainly other than the state and certainly other than just Rafferty’s Rules (no rules), …

Will You Let Truth Bless You or Bite You?

Just a few days before he killed himself, mad Adolf Hitler said to some of his generals, “Everyone has lied to me, everyone has deceived me, no one has told me the truth.” Hitler loved lies; some twenty-five years earlier he made the decision to base his entire life and mission on them. Karl Marx did the …

It Is Not Only Rome That Has Its Pope!

After reading a post on this blog of my experiences with a church group, a Christian man sent me an email the other day asking to make contact by telephone. He had been having dealings with two or three people from that church and he mentioned my name and that particular testimony about them. Even though one …

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