Starving For the Word of God

Can you imagine yourself as a 91 year old Christian who’s been waiting 50 years for your first Bible – or 40, 30, 20 years, depending on your age? It’s commonplace in China. The 91 year old is not featured in this video clip but no doubt his reaction would be the same as those who are …

The Attack on Truth

The Christian cake-maker is asked to make a wedding cake for the same-sex couple, she says no, and all hell breaks loose in the USA. The Muslim cake-maker is asked to do the very same thing, he says no, and nobody speaks a word against him. Bible-only Christianity refuses to sanction same-sex marriage and all …

Mouth-muzzled Wimps

Bible Christians speaking up for God don’t go too many days without someone challenging them on His existence. “What proof?” they ask. “Where is He?” they ask. “I see no evidence of God,” they say. Some people are mildly curious, but most are not; they’re simply smoke-screening. The same applies to the sneering, the cynical and the silly among them who take delight in speaking …

Near Death Experiences

Years ago as a Gospel messenger out on the streets of my community I was asked from time to time to give thoughts regarding those claiming to have died and gone to heaven or hell, then came back again. “I’ve just read a book about this woman who had a near death experience; fascinating!” they’d say. “Sounds like heaven …

So What’s the Story with this Old Heretic and Fool?

I see yet another “church” representative has come out of the woodwork to bring us the tired old mantra, “The Bible is not the word of God; the Bible contains the word of God.” This time it is being “sung” by a 93 year-old sodomite-sympathizing Italian Roman Catholic priest. Surprise! Surprise! Never mind that the Bible itself says, All Scripture …

How Did It Get To This?

“How did it get to this?” That’s the nagging question on the lips of thinking, concerned people who once lived in a time when, “it was not like this.” Not like what? Corruption in high places and low places across the nations. Immoral, unethical and unprincipled political candidates, current politicians, legal people, businessman, big bankers etc. Society’s indifference …

The Loveless Church

The Bible teacher told his class,“If you don’t love the Bible you don’t love truth and if you don’t love truth, you don’t love Jesus.” I agree, Christians love to talk about love, but the test of its authenticity can be pointed back to one’s attitude towards the Bible. The one who loves the Bible agrees with every word written within, even when …

God Did Get It Right The First Time

The other day I got some deeper insight into why much of the church is where it’s at spiritually throughout the world. I listened to a preacher on You Tube tell his church that they, “need to understand that there are people even in the translation of the Bible who have a low view of the Bible.” I was …

The Great Harm Done to God’s Reputation

Twenty plus years ago, one of the most common statements made to me by fifteen to seventeen year-old Secondary College students from Christian Schools went something like, “The story of Creation, Adam & Eve, Noah and the flood – they’re all just myths & legends, they’re not literally true … they didn’t literally happen.”  I would ask, “Did …

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