Are my prayers helping her?

Some church denominations combined for the purpose of promoting television messages which asked questions about death. They were thirty second spots asking something like, “What happens after death?” and, “Where do we go when we die?”  As a result of that promotion, many people rang a church in their local area seeking further information or …

She always felt she was to blame

The old lady told me her name was Mrs Ashby.  She stood in her doorway one mid-morning wearing a dirty old nightgown, looking as though she was carrying all the troubles of the world upon her shoulders.  I asked her what the matter was and she said it had to do with lumps in her breast which …

You need Jesus Christ

I walked around the back of the house and I saw the man sitting on some out-house doorsteps stirring a tin of paint with an electric drill. As he looked up at me I said to him, “You need Jesus Christ.” He quickly responded by saying, “I’ve been looking for Him.”

Who do you say I am?

During His ministry on earth, Jesus Christ asked His disciples as to who the people thought He was.  Now, it wasn’t that He didn’t know what the people were thinking or saying about Him, but He used this to challenge the disciples with His next question, “Who do you say I am?”  To all who have heard …

Deep sadness in their lives

From the street, the home and property looked interesting. The garden was slightly over grown, the weather-board house looked to be in need of painting and maintenance in comparison to the one attached to it and I could see numerous bird cages in the closed-in veranda.  The front door was open so I opened the …

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