A Roman Catholic man was giving an interview recently on television, in relation to his one-time parish priest. The priest was always thought of as the family’s spiritual leader, adviser and friend – never the sexual, pedophilic predator he turned out to be. Asked for his opinion on the priest now that he had been …
Category Archives: Encouragement
The Judgement of God?
During the summer of 2009, a pastor of a Pentecostal fellowship in my city of Melbourne, Australia, came under attack from both the wider church community and the media for saying that the horrendous bush-fires which took place that summer, were as a result of God’s judgement upon the nation and, particularly upon the state of Victoria, which had recently
A Statement from Hell
Recently I was asked by a man, “Why is it that so many people get caught up in all these cults? Don’t they have a mind of their own? It seems to me that you’d have to be a half-wit to be taken in by them.” Making it very clear to me that he was a non-believer in God, …
It Was as though Superman came Out of The Sky
A man once told me that he was the only survivor from a motor car crash. There were three of them in the vehicle but on impact he was thrown out onto the ground suffering relatively minor injuries. He said, “Somebody was watching over me that day.” An ex-World War Two navigator in a bomber aircraft shared …
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“Good Ideas” Rather Than God’s Ideas
There is nothing worse, in my opinion, than to observe a fellow Christian functioning in a ministry that he or she has not been called to. In other words, many a Christian there is, doing the work of God who have not been called by the God of that work. It’s obvious, for they demonstrate no grace for …
The Living and Powerful Word of the Lord in Action
During the early days of our broadcast transmission at the radio station it was not unusual on a very windy day to experience intermittent problems with our signal. It was as though there was a loose connection somewhere in the system causing it to cut in and out but it was not something obvious, which made it all …
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The Reality Of Two Spiritual Kingdoms
One of the truly mind-blowing revelations for me as a new Christian was to receive insight into the reality of two spiritual kingdoms – the kingdom of darkness and the kingdom of light. Prior to that revelation, this was something I used to mock and ridicule whenever I heard it mentioned. My childhood religious upbringing gave mention of heaven and hell as places where …
The Lord Said, “No, one Program.”
Back in the days when I first represented my (then) local church as a messenger of the gospel in the community, little did I know that it was also God’s intention to use those experiences as a training ground for a forthcoming radio broadcasting ministry. I had been on the streets for nearly eighteen months …
The Faithfulness Of God Has Never Ceased To Amaze Me
The faithfulness of God has never ceased to amaze me each time I affirm or promise Him that I am fully prepared and willing to do His bidding on a daily basis. For example: if I decide to go for a walk or do some shopping and at the same time say something like, “Lord, …
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Melbourne Christian Fellowship – Why I Left It. Part 3
This special three-part testimony is posted to share my experiences within a church organization whose teaching and practice I discovered to be more in line with that of a cult than an ordinary church group as one should expect to find such. It is not, “The writings of a deeply hurt man,” as is the accusation from people within, (a common …
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