A little over a couple of years ago a minister of a church accused me of having, “a wrong spirit.” He made the statement after reading a testimony of my experiences within his church. Added to this, he said of the testimony, “It is rubbish.” An elder of a church that I was a member of (at the time), told me …
Category Archives: Encouragement
But these are Lovely People….
A few years ago I cautioned a young person on the dangers of blindly accepting all preaching and teaching from the pulpit of the church and mid-week home group studies as being that from God. I spoke of the definite need to remain in prayer and to ask and wait for the Holy Spirit to bring guidance and …
I Wanted to Know the Subtle Differences
About ten years ago I asked the Lord in prayer to show me what was on His heart about the church. I wanted to know the subtle differences between the true and the false. Not only did I ask Him to show me these differences but I also asked Him to reveal what He wanted me …
A Great Curse of Society
What is it about a person who thinks nothing of swearing and blaspheming the name of Jesus Christ in the company of born again Christians but who wouldn’t dare do so in the company of a priest or a nun? I have experienced this many times over the years since turning to the Lord. In …
To Have that Which I can’t Have
The one thing about human nature that never ceases to fascinate me is the driving force within to take to ourselves that which is not meant for us. Or, to have that which I can’t have. The small child is told that he or she can,”look, but not touch.” Once we turn our back, what’s the …
The Hardest thing for People to Embrace Is……
A religious man was diagnosed with prostate cancer. At his request some people prayed for him that his operation would be successful and that he would be given the all-clear. Those prayers were answered. As a result, the man decided to get up early and go to his church every morning. When told that God is not looking for that, …
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Their Voids are the Reality
A friend told me one night that he had doubts about the reality of the spiritual realm. Like most people I know, his preference was to think of himself as a realist. He said something like, “That which I can see, feel, touch and taste is reality for me and if I can’t do that, then I think it should be very questionable.” So I …
It’s s though They’re Doing it behind God’s Back
Lately I’ve been giving some thought to the theologies of two Christian people who, to me seem to represent the reason why Christianity is increasingly unattractive to people. One is strongly doctrine-based and the other is strongly works-based. It is as though the first person is saying, “If you don’t believe this…….then maybe you need …
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The Greatest Fool of All
Twenty-five years ago a musician friend of mine used to take great delight in mocking me with sarcastic remarks about my stand for the Lord Jesus Christ. He was a non-practicing Roman Catholic who believed himself to be free from all religious restraints. And although his life-style gave the impression that his belief was true, it was not true. He had certainly …
Tools & Slaves in the Hands of The Angel of Light
An elderly lady suffering with cancer phoned to thank me for visiting her the day before, and for, “taking away my worries and fears.” She said, “When you walked into the room, it was as though God came in, it was written all over your face.” Then she asked me if I could call again soon, because, “I …
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