Don’t let Satan Slap them Around!

All hell broke loose in London a few weeks ago when an historic Anglican church there hosted a fashion show featuring satanic designs. Against a backdrop of large Illuminati and Masonic images placed in front of the altar, heavily made-up models strutted themselves dressed as devils and vampires wearing horns and upside-down crosses. “Blasphemous!” was …

This Religious but Rebellious Reverend

A Satanically-possessed gunman slaughters 59 people and wounds an additional 500-plus people in Las Vegas, USA, and the female Reverend of the 5500-member Chicago Fourth Presbyterian Church says, “It’s overwhelming and God has some explaining to do.” Wrong, Reverend. Not according to Job Chapters 38-41 He hasn’t! It is you who has some explaining to do. …

Stick To the Plain-sense Meanings of Scripture

Exhorting his people, “not to follow after false forms of Christianity,” the pastor said to them, “There is more false Christianity in the world than true Christianity. There are more false representatives of Christ than true ones. There are more false Christians than true Christians.” The question to ask is, how can we avoid being caught …

Hatred for All Things Christian

The testimony of a persecuted, imprisoned, Asian Christian man: “I can handle the torture, the starvation; but I desperately need my Bible. Every day I pray, over and over, for God to give me a Bible.” Amazing! He struggled less with physical torture and starvation  than spiritual torture and starvation. I’m not sure how long he …

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