So Which Judgment for You?

The religious lady spoke of her fear of having to face God, “On Judgment day.” It was one of the reasons she got out of bed early nearly every week morning to attend Mass, believing if she was faithful in that practice, God would look upon her with mercy on that day. She’s not the only one to hold …

Uncountable Tyrants Rule the Day

A young man once told me he believed the gospel of Jesus Christ to be true. When asking if he wanted to take advantage of it by surrendering his life to the Lord he declined saying, “It would mean I have to change my life.” After listening to responses containing all sorts of objections, justifications and excuses, his response was, in …

Who’s The Real Spiritual Rapist Here?

When I first shared the gospel with family and friends twenty-eight years ago, at best there was laughter and ridicule, at worst there  was scorn and abuse plus labeling; “religious nutcase” and “fundamentalist idiot.” Two years later when I began in earnest to systematically study the Scriptures, I was warned to prepare for an all-out attack that would one day come …

The Beginning Has Begun!

A young lady was brutally raped and murdered in our town recently, sending shock-waves throughout the entire nation. A week later over twenty thousand people gathered for a peace march in her memory in the street where she went missing. As a proclaimer of the gospel of Jesus Christ, I couldn’t help but note how biblical the …

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