Well, since the election of the new USA President three weeks ago, we’ve certainly evidenced the negative side of the truth, “Give me a child until he/she has reached the age of seven and I will give you the man (person).” Roman Catholic hierarchy has successfully practiced this for hundreds of years of course, as has Communist /Marxist/Socialist hierarchy since its inception; the latter being the one to take full credit for the anarchy and rioting taking place now in the US, as well as the noisy, disrupting protests taking place elsewhere in the world. Children in adult bodies is what I’m seeing.
As I write this I’m looking at a picture of an “Anti-bullying Advocate” and Marxist here in Melbourne, ripping a cap from the head of a Donald Trump supporter. She confirms everything I’m about to say here. Interesting headline too, “Anti-bullying Advocate.” Here she is, bullying the daylights out of someone whose values do not agree with hers. Interesting Twitter comments about it also. “The Communist agitator bully running the fake “anti-bullying” scam, bullies a person. No surprises there.” Again: “Red dog runs in for a bite. The Safe Schools anti-bullying advocate shows us how it’s done.” Again: “Typical Marxist. Labels, harasses, abuses and gets violent.” And, “How can this be so? Our anti-bullying champion, bullying people.”
Praise God for the people whose mission it was and is to bring up children according to the positive side of the above truth though, for they are not the subject of this post whether they are seven or seventeen or seventy-seven years old. Children in adult bodies applies here to the brain-washed, anarchic, rioting crowd. Besides, a great bulk of them act more like they’re the age of two or three rather than the age of seven! How else can the crying for days on end, the screaming, the need for time off from College and University studies be explained? What other explanation is there for Universities who offered their students Play-Doh, therapy dogs, coloring books and safe spaces for students hurt by the Trump election?
How about this from a University community advisor: “doing what she can to help students cope with their emotions following Tuesday’s historic election.” She says, “Today during my office hours, 4 PM to 7 PM, I will be bringing my personal coloring books, crayons, markers and colored pencils for anyone to use in order to de-stress and relax from the election results.” She posted to Facebook, “Please do not hesitate to reach for help, whether it is to me, the rest of the Community Advisor and Residential Life University Apartment staff, the Counseling Center, the Helping Center, your friends and family or your professors. None of you are alone.” That’s the grand problem! They need to get alone to question everything they’ve ever learned.
For most of them, their learning began as babies; their minds being programmed with Communist/Marxist/Socialist Television. They then entered Day Care Centers and Kindergartens to come under the same godless influences, then on to Primary and Secondary Colleges and finally into Universities. “We’ve got you now,” said the Army Major to us raw National Service recruits a few days after entering the Camp long years ago. The only difference being back then, they told us so for our own good. Not so, this godless lot at the very top of the chain. They don’t want anyone to know “we’ve got you now.” Especially is this so for their dedicated but mindless, non-questioning foot-soldiers zealously heading up their programs and curriculums.
My sympathies don’t lie with the crowd sitting at the top of the chain of this godless ideology. Like Marx, Lenin, Stalin (and Hitler) before them, they’ve chosen the way of evil and God has given them over to it. If Romans 1:18-36 speaks of anybody, it speaks of these people; they’re the embodiment of evil; eternal hell, damnation and the lake of fire awaits them all Revelation 20:15. When I look into the Scriptures and give thought to the evil carried out by kings and prophets of old, I don’t see any that match the evil carried out by people such as these. Their evil was confined to their nations mostly, but not this lot; their evil permeates the entire world. If God sent those of old into damnation, you can chisel it in stone He’ll do the same with these.
But my sympathies do lie with these children in adult bodies, every one of them. When I look into the faces of females in their late teens to late thirties among them, I see faces of seven year-olds and younger. They open their mouths to speak and I hear voices of seven year-olds and younger. If I was called upon to cast evil spirits from each and every one of them, it would be child-like seven year-old demons doing the screaming as they came out and got sent on their way. This I see a thousand times over, whether they’re anarchic, rioting street protesters or Television “news” talking heads. I see and hear similar with the males too. I can’t call either of them “women” or “men” because they don’t behave as such. Spoiled seven year-olds and younger is how they behave.
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it Proverbs 22:6. Praise God for the positive truth of that Scripture, but I grieve for these children in adult bodies because the same truth applies to them in the negative. In other words, train up a child in the way he should not go and when he is old he will not depart from it either! They can never depart from it until they stop and question what they believe and why they believe it. Most people won’t do that; they never have and never will. One who’s been taught from the age of a baby that they’re special, clever and “perfect just the way you are,” is not going to stop and question if that’s reality or fantasy when they reach an age that they should be doing so.
That faulty conditioning in a child’s life is what Communist/Marxist/Socialists build upon. But just as babies and young children will rant and scream when their will has been crossed, that’s what we’re currently seeing with Hillary’s Adorables – children in adult bodies expressing the same level of emotional intelligence as that of babies and young children! It also explains why the “adorable” are deplorable, the “tolerant” are intolerant, the “lovers” are haters, the “non-bigots” are bigots, the “non-bullies” are bullies, the “non-violent” are violent, the “humanitarians” are inhumane, the “progressive” are retrogressive, the “inclusive” are exclusive, the “open-minded” are narrow-minded and, the “non-judgmental” are the most judgmental of all!
Deliver me, O LORD, from evil men; preserve me from violent men, who plan evil in their hearts; they continually gather together for war. They sharpen their tongues like a serpent; the poison of asps is under their lips Psalm 140:1-3. Little do these children in adult bodies know that the evil people spoken of in this Scripture are the exact same kind of evil people they’re serving and supporting as dedicated, but mindless, non-questioning foot-soldiers. Where evil is, hatred and violence is alongside. Quote: “We must hate; hatred is the basis of Communism. Children must be taught to hate……” – Lenin. Look into the eyes of those sitting at the top of the chain in this godless ideology, and hatred is what we discern. No wonder it takes over during anarchy and rioting.
Communist Goal 17: Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teacher’s associations. Put the party line in textbooks. Communist Goal 19: Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack. One of the saddest realities about human nature for me is the fact that most people dismiss this if you bring it to their attention. Here we have it all – in fact, in print for 60 years, nothing hidden but on public display in libraries or Internet right under our noses and the majority don’t want to know. Talk about reaping what we sow; we sow ignorance, we reap ignorance.
So what can nations expect in the future as a result? Continued anarchy and rioting from children in adult bodies for a start. Then, the greater a nation’s tolerance for lies, bullying, hatred and violence, the greater the chances of it accepting a Communist/ Marxist/Socialist government. Having said that, as a result of our prayer intercession on their behalf, some of these people will come to understand their behaviors have been those of babies, seven year-olds and younger and they’ll want to get released from them. To such, the Lord Jesus Christ will be made highly attractive as we share the whole truth of the gospel with them, not pussyfooting with watered-down words. That’s my prayer and that’s my goal. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord Romans 6:23.
© 2016 – 2023, Roger Williams. All rights reserved.